It is to be assumed that after regaining his composure Mr Steinberg had nothing further to say, yet the former"the slide towards legitimising fascism and the rehabilitation of Mussolini". head of the Jewish community in Rome a Tullia Zevi said the product was part of the "the slide towards legitimising fascism and the rehabilitation of Mussolini". Although how she or indeed other individuals have the right to force their political agenda upon the Italian people nobody knows yet it would seem that yet again those with a racial, religious, political axe to grind are permitted to do so, have the people no right to freely choose their political direction or must alien elements and political malcontents forever enforce their vision.
It is heartening to read that the application is being downloaded 1,000 times a day becoming Italy's best-selling iPhone application, heartening because it means that the Italian people, far from succumbing to the mind-numbing propaganda of world Jewry, the left and all manner of social-engineers, still have their own minds, still have that freedom and are exercising it, much to the chagrin of anti-Italian elements.
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