06:06 by Editor · 0 Post a comment on AAWR

Transplant gang 'took organs at gunpoint'

Kathmandu An Indian man suspected of masterminding an illegal trade in transplants has been arrested in Nepal.

According to police, people were paid 50,000 rupees (£650) for their kidneys, which were sold to wealthy foreigners for ten times as much. The trade was uncovered in Gurgaon, in northern India, last month when three Greek nationals and two from the US were found in a luxury guesthouse in the city.

It is thought that hundreds of poor labourers may have been tricked or forced at gunpoint into donating their organs. Neighbours said that they had noticed blood running out of the gutters, and that bandages soaked in blood and pieces of flesh had been thrown away nearby.

Police arrested Amit Kumar at a resort in Chitwan National Park, 50 miles (80 kilometres) southwest of Kathmandu. Indian reports said that he raised the suspicions of a hotel employee when he cut out a news article about the illegal kidney trade from a newspaper. “He was sitting in the lobby of the hotel where we arrested him,” Kiran Gautam, a police officer, said. “He did not resist being arrested.”.....article conts (-)

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