11:05 by Editor · 0 Post a comment on AAWR

I could lie to you, plenty do, I could say that victory is just around the corner; I could rally your spirit, stir your soul, fill your saddlebags with falsity and set you upon the road to nowhere. Certainly this happens, I read it myself upon the many weblogs and sites that profess nationalism, oh and this “credit crunch”, this some would call a recession, has them leaping determinately for the short straw, others they pray for hardship the removal of the peoples toys, in hopes as naughty children the populace would turn, none seem yet to realise that money is managed, as to are the people.

Can they blame Islam this time, perhaps now the only belief system that contests speculation, the making of money in a labour-less way, no doubt some will try, this pseudo-nationalism vexes me, being as it is the greatest con and to the cruellest, it rallies many under a false banner and sends them to fight a useless war, most cruelly it takes our peoples last defence and negates it, makes of it a useless thing. Yet it is such an old ploy, sending your opposing force away from the battle main, by the use of a smaller force, whilst the true force gains the triumph, let them contest the smaller battle whilst the main has none against it.

Yet for all that they cannot see, cannot for a second take time to see the bigger picture, the true battle, so busy with Islam and defence of party, they have no time for nationalists such as I, they cannot sway us, cannot bully us, cannot threaten us and we refuse to acquiesce, what then for them, the route only of the liar, the charlatan and the faker. Nationalism at least here in my country, kneels before its masters, yields to other forces and offers me and mine nothing, so infiltrated it is, so beset by fools and treacherous conceit.

Nationalism isn’t easy, it isn’t a road of joyous travel, a road filled with comradely splendour, it is a road of woe, a road that once stepped upon changes you, it alters your perception of so many things, opens your eyes to much. Life will then never be the same, never again will you believe the lies of the owned press, never again accept the duplicity of politicians as truth, never again will you wander in innocence through this world, instead anger will grow, anger at what they have done and what they are doing and you will look, reach out for others and find few.

Some are so consumed with hatred for Islam they let a greater danger grow, some so engaged with infighting, they fracture any movement for change and give the enemy free reign, the people so a slumber do not even wail in their torment. Sleeping, slumber is the wrong word, uncaring perhaps better, the people do-not care, not a jot, it is “I am alright Jack” me, me, me and again me, the fundamental causation of our great civilisation has been twisted, until it twitches in its death throes, stamped on by those that wish our death.

The great white bond has been broken and we are now as the negro, now as any savage, intent on self whilst our neighbour means nothing, altruism, I return to it so often, is both a defence and offence, when we had it fully we ruled the world, without it we are nothing, hordes now march in and plunder and we do not a thing but shake in fear of the dark state. They have us so captured that their victory is all but certain, oh but history tells us change can occur, that even the most terrible of regimes may fall, I dare say Lech Wałęsa was considered an extremist, yes change can occur but I don’t see it, do you.

Certainly nationalism as we know it is cowardly, it skulks well out of the publics gaze, allowing then the media to cast any aspersion, should it not declare itself, go to the people and the state be dammed. Instead it flounders, scared to speak truth and deters neither the state nor its puppet masters, today nationalism is no threat, for sure the states intelligence agents reside within, as they do with all counter ideological groupings, I dare say the countryside alliance has fellows within its ranks, whilst amongst the animal rights brigade comparable events unfold.

Yet we fight not for the rights of the fox to go about its business unmolested nor for the safety of the chicken-house, we fight for our right to exist as a free people, a homogenous people and dare I say it a Caucasoid people. Let the truth be out we are not Mongoloid or Negroid but Caucasoid yet much more than this, we have developed a particularly distinct civilisation that has transcended others, be they of our own sub-species or not of our stock. Our very civilisation is unique, worth preserving and maintaining, yet we let them dismantle it rung by rung, with barely a voice ringing out in protest.

We face the greatest danger, this is no game, no parliamentary effort, it transcends such notions, we fight for existence, for they wish us dead, yet what passes for the right do not a thing, they go round and round, chasing their tail whilst the predator moves in, finally, one day they will realise that there is no chance of the precious office they seek, no chance of election to the house of treason, there are not enough whites left to vote them in, the sham of democracy will not be needed and the game, for that is what it is, will be over. 14

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