Israel expected to bomb Iran, French foreign minister says

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The French foreign minister Bernard Kouchner has said Israel is expected to launch a military strike on Iran before it acquires a nuclear bomb, and urged the Jewish state to hold back in favour of sanctions.

"I know that some people in Israel and in the army are preparing a military solution or not a solution but a military attack. I don’t know. This is not according to my opinion the solution,” Mr Kouchner told the Israeli daily Ha’aretz in an interview published Sunday, adding that he did not believe Iran acquiring a nuclear weapon would give it any “immunity” from attack. 

"First, because you will eat them before. And this is the danger. Because Israel has always said that it will not wait for the bomb to be ready. I think that they [the Iranians] know. Everybody knows,” he said. 

The newspaper's print edition quoted Kouchner as saying that Israel would "eat" Iran, but in a written statement the foreign minister said he had used the word "hit," and that he regretted any "phonetic confusion". 

Mr Kouchner said French officials believe Iran would be able to produce one bomb within two to four years, though Israeli estimates have suggested the programme is more advanced, and said further talks and sanctions were still the preferred option. 

"Iran with an atomic bomb is unacceptable at all,” Mr Kouchner said. “Is the alternative to bomb first? I think not.” 

Mr Kouchner’s statement follows last week’s UN Security Council’s resolution demanding an end to Tehran’s efforts at uranium enrichment, suspected to be a clandestine weapons programme though Iran maintains it is to create fuel for peaceful purposes. 

The head of the UN nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency, also acknowledged last week that in six years of investigations in Iran his agency has never been able to rule out such a programme. 

Though Iran has rejected the UN resolutions, its envoy to the IAEA has suggested it might be willing to end uranium enrichment if it were guaranteed an international supply of nuclear fuel. continues here

What is it with this country, this country that unlike any other announces its hostile intent to the world, such a small country, yet so very powerful, so very worshipped, so very feted. Sometimes one wonders where true power really resides, in the states or there, certainly America is bedazzled, beguiled but it should not be beholden, in many ways America should distrust Israel given that countries record for spying, for stealing, ironically enough nuclear secrets, yet it seems the reverse is true, just as we here in the UK are Americas lap-dog so to it seems, America bends its knee to Israel.

Oh and to criticise this country places you upon many lists, makes of you an enemy to so many, even nationalism baulks from questioning this tiny stolen country, I say nationalism, of course and in this sense I refer to Nu-nationalism, populism, this new movement that attacks what it is told to attack and nothing else. Yet true nationalism differs, should it see three yobs throwing stones at a greenhouse it condemns them all, not just some.

Ironically there has been a considerable shift in thinking, in that the left, have now moved onto ground once the preserve of nationalism and nationalism for the new age, has moved onto Tory ground, nationalism now has much pro-Zionist support either covertly or overtly, whereas the left are in some disarray. The term neo-con, can in a very real sense sum up nationalism in this country, I invite the reader to take the time, to read many purported rightist weblogs, in order to make up their mind, many in fact display rather prominently, their support for Israel in their sidebar.

For many who consider themselves nationalists, support for Israel is merely an anti-Islamic stance they seem to little realise, that such a viewpoint has been crafted, as indeed an anti-nationalist viewpoint was crafted in the seventies and eighties, it seems as if few realise, they play within a contrived system. Yet for all that I cannot change a thing, I cannot open eyes to the real picture, compete with the owned press, state indoctrination and the erroneous notions put about by the new right.

In many ways it really doesn’t matter, those that really matter, the people are unaware of many things, breaking through the cocoon placed around them is today almost impossible they to are fired by an anti- Islamic fire, honed on the anvil of treachery. Please just look again at the article above, see it with real vision, take off the blinkers set upon your eyes and look, “do you want more bombings, more death, more destruction, more lives ruined”. Or do you as I do seek peace, Islam as I state constantly, should not be here, it corrodes our way of live, minarets upon our skyline are an affront, the actions of many of this community are determinately anti-western.

Lets just stop a minute, take a breath, relax, release the tension, we live in one of the most technologically advanced nations upon the planet, we, coupled with other western countries, have rightly or wrongly absolute power. Our military might is unbeatable nothing can stand against us but just imagine for a second if such power was used wrongly. If such a power, such a might invaded where-so-ever it chose, instilling its values upon an unwilling populace, what then, would it then be wrong to attack this power.

Would not we, would we stand for such an invasion, such a mass enforcement of alien law, would not we seek out its weakest point, its very underbelly and attack the beast, unfortunately “soft targets” are always the people, always civilian by very definition, yet there is some reason behind the madness, behind the carnage. It is believed that the beast can only be stopped by the people that if the people, that is to say the “soft target” can suffer enough, then military action in the east will cease, that the will of the people for an end will prevail.

The strategy shows some naivety, a lack of knowledge, assuming that we the people are listened to, have ever been listened to, in fact we live under a regime that prides itself on “never giving in to terrorism” or what it claims is terrorism, what this means in practice of course, is that the “soft target” me and you, can be sacrificed for their despotic dream. The instigators of course, that tiny elite that sends our young to war, that invades sovereign states, are not “soft targets”, they live their lives surrounded by advanced security whilst we the people suffer for their mania.

Let me tell you something, if Afghanistan was quite the threat they present it as, then we have the technology to wipe it off the map, without the lose of a single young soldiers life, in minutes we could devastate the land, be it mountainous or not, in fact the terrain of the place would be ideal, add in fact to the destruction. Lets not kid ourselves, in a situation where triumph is the need, precision is not an issue, so the topological quandary in relation to the country, would not present problem, we have the technology to nuke the country on a massive scale.

Oh they will tell you they cannot do it due to humanitarian concerns, whilst they drop their daisy cutters, they will send in combat troops to perform an impossible task, it is simply impossible to gain the upper hand in such a region, its very make up is fortress-like. Yet send them in they do, husbands, brothers, sons to die, more than even this though, under the watchful eye of the west poppy production has ballooned, so some-where right now an addict “shoots up”, on heroin derived from poppy fields patrolled by western troops.

This evil Taliban they talk about, banned poppy production, the first recorded incidence of a successful anti-drug policy ever recorded, yet the NA still kept their fields, their leader’s drug lords, imagine we the moral west siding with drug lords, helping to kill our own children. The world is not simply black and white, it is a convoluted mess, one thing linked to another, nationalists must again open their eyes; try to see the bigger picture.

The people need us perhaps now as never before, yet our actions foster conflict help a corrupt regime maintain its grip, we must return again to nationalism, both to save lives and to end conflict, anti-Islamic rhetoric is not nationalism, it aids only corruption blinded us all to the real danger. 14

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