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Some time ago now I joined the BNP, I believed (and still do) that the changes taking place in my country were detrimental; I recognised quite early on, that unless such changes were countered then all that our ancestors built would be irretrievably lost. As a child of these isles I have an inbuilt sense of fair play, (somewhat of a drawback in these contemporary times) sometimes, I fail to realise, that such feelings are for us and us alone, there are of course many reasons for this but for the most part, it is cultural. albeit, that altruism is more innate in the west than in any other place.

Yet long before my foray into the BNP I had, had such views, of course, I realise that many whites are completely unworthy of safeguarding, given their really quite reprehensible behaviours however, that is an article for another day. I touch upon it because it is relevant now, in my other article here, I simply outlined (some) potential areas and groups, that violence and threats may emanate from, now many of those groups mentioned, attack us quite naturally, because our ideology affects their group strategy and/or inhibits their group interest, yet in amongst that group there is a fairly large group comprised of genetically defined whites.

Again, given some knowledge of group behaviourisms, makes this comprehensible, yet even this group of whites can be broken down again, in fact because of profound societal changes and the human condition; we find that hierarchical groups evolve continuously, almost like dividing cell structures. Quite possibly rightist parents/grandparents may find their offspring, adopting extreme anti-societal behaviours as exhibited by the left. In any event if one takes innate altruism and then blends it with hormonal changes that take place in the pubescent physical structure, these changes affecting inter-group relationships, most often expressed in family disruption or indeed breakdown, as the young adult in question strives to break free of parental constraint. Then it is then quite easy to see, that such behaviours can and indeed are, used to further demolish the family structure, (another aim of the left) in many cases mature adults regret their actions in earlier life, yet at the time they will be overtly zealous in defence of behaviours, lifestyle choices and beliefs.

The left use this perfectly natural but usually temporary fissure within families, to once again recruit willing though deluded foot soldiers, in their war against western values and civilisation. It is worth noting at this point, that rates of miscegenation within the 13 to 24 age range far exceed all other demographic groups, even that of late middle age females, who again are prone to such behaviours. Both groups mentioned though, indulge in such life-style choices in order to break free of perceived restraints, which cannot be said for senior males, who exhibit such behaviours for entirely different reasons. The concern here of course, lies not with late middle aged females but with the younger generation for it is at this level that society changes, if, (and we see it happening more and more), miscegenation rates can be raised in the teenage age-group then society is altered irreparably, further, should offspring result then another group has been created and this group will fight harder than most others due to off-spring concerns.

So it goes without saying that the greatest demographic change within society will stem from this group, leading to a growing and almost unstoppable fifth column, perhaps it can be said, that those of mixed race and their families present more of a threat than any other group, given that with other factors combined, they will exceed the birth-rates of both indigenous whites and new-comers, forming the fastest growing demographic group in society as a whole. It is at least for me an interesting subject deserving of an article on its own, certainly it is this group that shall unquestionably inherit my country and all that goes with it. So the premise up to now has been the use of the young in their cultural and indeed racial assault upon the west, the shame of it is of course, is that these mislead young adults, fight earnestly to destroy their own future.

Currently minority status resides with the non-white community this will undoubtedly change, can we then expect to see institutionalised favouritism heralded in, in Caucasian favour, I would doubt it, if there is one thing to be learned from the left, it is their capacity to use situations/grievances and then once of no use to them, they lock tight the door, denying others access to that particular route. So the sympathy shown by whites towards non-whites will be unlikely to be shown whites once the demographic plates have shifted, whites will find themselves a derided minority with no chance of recovery from such status.

Strangely many who consider themselves anti-racist or leftist in outlook, have little or no experience of minorities, just as when the same age-group wear badges proclaiming their belief in saving the rain-forest or the poplar bear ,when they have almost no comprehension of the situation at hand, except what they have been told. I have known personally many cases where supposed leftists have soon discovered their appreciation for majority white areas once faced with the true realities of a multi-racial society, today many proclaim no problems towards negroes and other non-whites yet express passionate anti-Islamic attitudes, the hypocrisy of such a standpoint little realised.

Further the left will harass, “out”, disparage and in some cases attack, those of a different viewpoint, whilst promulgating that they fight against such behaviours, we see this with the current list situation, whereby members of a political party are besieged because of their political views. The left itself as an ideology is full of hypocrisies, such as fighting the death penalty yet condoning the mass murder of the unborn, or advocating against apartheid, whist today the Boers in South Africa face Armageddon. Again the American Indians were noble savages resisting the colonisation of their country, whilst whites today doing the same, (mostly non-violently I may add) are considered beyond the pale.

Yet for all that whites will for a number of reasons, fight against their own self-interest, it is this area that must be addressed and as far as I can see it is not, the left latched onto the concept completely whilst the right fail in extreme. Firstly for the young politics is immensely boring, most exhibit no interest and those that do are usually ostracised or considered “weird” by their contemporaries, for this reason nationalism needs to be taken to them. Many years ago this was done, it produced immense results, patriotism was en-vogue and the left were thwarted, today the reverse is true, nationalism is inhabited by middle-aged men and the older generations, whilst the young give not a glance.

This can not be said about other countries, I speak here for the UK, in the UK leftist politics is considered exciting and worthy and many of its advocates are the young, most will of course leave leftwing politics, although perhaps a residue of it may remain. The right of course tends to keep it adherents far longer, quite natural given that rightists are usually far older, the problem of course is that, as mentioned above, the non-white demographic is expanding, whilst young whites adopt counter white behaviours and causes. Nationalism today strives earnestly to attract the C1, C2 demographic population groups, in hopes of attracting social class B, whilst D, E, groups appear left behind by all. Yet in order to regain our country, we must negate the phoney class structure and endeavour to reunite the country as a whole, leftists of course ferment a supposed “class struggle”, believing quite rightly, that a divided people is an easily conquered one.

In this event we must realise that there is no class only race, for instance, one can lose social status, yet it is impossible to lose ones racial genotype, born white is born forever white, whilst being born into money is mere luck. To thwart the left, rightists must unite society from top to bottom and to do this we must again attract the young, it is after all their future, in attracting the young at a stroke we unite almost all sections of society, for instance given that class is a flawed, man-made conception, it is highly possible, that an individual classified now as C2 may end up as C1 or indeed a B demographic, therefore they could become, those with the power to change society and have the knowledge to do so. 14

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