AAWR is going to sleep

11:32 by Editor · 0 Post a comment on AAWR

AAWR is going to sleep, when she awakens she may be a beautiful princess or she may simply be the same, in any event work lies ahead and we’re sorry we cannot take you with us, please rest assured that we will be back, hopefully better for the work that lies ahead. As I write

, some poor souls limber up ready for the intricacies of coding myself included, I have a particular vision ,a specific idea and I hope very much that it can be achieved upon this platform, what we had managed with AAWR was in itself remarkable ,given that a weblog is primarily a static page, we managed to create a rudimentary multi-faceted website.

The overall design was based upon a specific template, a template altered to such a degree, as to be a completely new species, however, she had certain limitations, such as flawed integration with “new Blogger” an inability to accept or display re-coding and many other issues. It maybe of course, that we endeavoured to alter so much as to make the overall design defective, this most especially given the CSS coding recently attempted. We may simply re-code the site as before recognising her limitations and living with them however, this remains to be seen, I wasn’t happy with many aspects and feel that experimentation is the order of the day.

Regrettably whilst such work is in progress I feel that it would be most unfair to our visitors to submit them to such, therefore AAWR must become unreadable, inaccessible through necessity, I would hope you understand. I personally had hoped that this measure would be avoidable, however, I find that it is not and in order to repair or redesign we must become non-accessible. Whilst I am here I would like to elucidate further, maintaining a weblog or indeed a website is incredibly hard work, to the layman or general user all they see is the front end, that is to say the face of the site.

However, it is the backend where all the real work occurs, weblogs or blogs as they are known are much simpler to maintain physically, although content is as equally difficult to maintain as a multi-page site. Yet a weblog I feel, does not have much depth, does not offer much to either the user or indeed its creator, if you look around at other weblogs you will find by and large that the layout is basic and many weblogs look the same, this is because it is a step-into-template, that is to say it is pre-created and the user merely accepts the design. In AAWR’s case it was somewhat different, we took an idea for a template and altered it, we re-coded much of it, rather painstakingly and created more depth by offering multi-faceted aspects.

For instance, to the layman all they saw was a poll-page whilst the steps involved to create that page were immense and considered impossible upon the Blogger platform, there were other instances aswell. Much of the sidebar content was written, created, one by hand,” or should I say by computer” wrote the code that enabled easy navigation of the site, this platform had other deficiencies aswell, such as links opening within the current window instead of another tab, this meant that a reader left physically left the site upon clicking a link. Try it on other weblogs and you will understand, so here at AAWR we looked at each link specifically, to most we added an attribute, which in simple terms opened links in a new tab, whilst you the reader remained here at AAWR.

Anchor tagging, that is to say, links that we wished readers to use to access other areas of AAWR, we wrote to open within frame, that is to say, they opened in the same window.


For you the reader much of the work remained unnoticed, one would I suppose, have to have some knowledge of this platform to appreciate the work that went into AAWR, what you must remember is that we have no access to the root directory, which means that all work must take this into account. We have no server to store information on, such as poll data or e-mail functionality and so we must circumvent and create in order to provide it. Many, many hours that in turn led to days they to weeks and they in turn to months, went into AAWR and I have to say to reach this point as to begin again is an immense disappointment.

For this reason I hope you will stay with us, that you will if you can appreciate the work involved, it isn’t I assure you easy, so why do I do it, after all I am not forced to, why not go down other avenues, perhaps seek monetary reward rather than bewail our plight. Well its quite right no-one forces me however, I am forced ,not by any individual but by a sense of right and wrong, I see wrong and I must contest it, I must fight my corner, I know no other way. Let me tell you, nationalists face the prospect of imprisonment for telling the truth, they face the very real danger of personal calamity, so why, why do nationalists accept such a danger and still address issues, because we must.

Whites as I have said before face extinction, this is not hypothetical, this is not the ravings of a conspiracy theorist, this is fact, we have too few children, let in too many and we are being literally bred out of existence. It is my view and that of others that this is quite simply unfair, we were given no option and the powers that be still engage in actions that will herald in such a catastrophe. You must remember here that they have access to much more information, have facilities way beyond that of a nationalist Blogger such as myself, yet even with such information they continue with their actions, this dear reader is tantamount to treason, yet more than this, to murder, they by their very actions commit calculated genocide.


Genocide is the killing off of a people, by action and by policy, it is the wilful crushing of opposition and the enactment of measures that can only result in population replacement, yet does it matter, does it matter if we are all mocha, all coffee-coloured, yes. No-one has the right to wipe out a people, a civilisation, based upon a plan, a scheme, that they in their madness believe to be right, surely successive governmental policy has been and still is murderous in intent. So I write, I post relevant articles and I, in the tiniest of ways, scream powerlessly at the heavens, on my own of course I am nothing, not even an inconvenience but united with others I become a force, a layer between true evil and the people, a buffer that has become known as nationalism.

Ironically the very forces that nationalists oppose, have managed to place their own crimes upon the head of nationalism, it is we you are told, that wish destruction and death, we, with our policies, that would usher in tyranny, we through our actions that would commit evil. Let me tell you, most nationalists first become stirred in a desire to thwart evil, they, once they comprehend the enormity of our situation, feel almost a calling to warn others, at no time does nationalism as a movement seek to injure or harm other peoples, certainly and I make no bones about this, I desire a return to a white Europe, I see it as a right of not only myself but of all peoples to have a homeland. Yet I wish others no harm, moreover as a nationalist I support fully others who also oppose tyranny and attacks upon their culture or nation-state.

Western governments know, they know that we will die out and they do not care, that my friends is the greatest evil, that dear reader, is why I use up so many hours of my life creating a site. I know that perhaps our time has gone, that the tipping point has been reached, however, I cannot stop, cannot stop trying, until extinction engulfs me. You see I love my people, love Europe, love our culture, traditions and history, this does not make of me a hater, this does not mean I desire conflict, wish to harm or have designs upon others. Certainly should others step in front of me as I seek my survival, then I would have no hesitation, none at all, at endeavouring to prevail in such circumstance, so I will forever contest, in which ever way I am able.

The goal of AAWR was always to warn, always to present nationalism correctly, certainly we wished to keep within the law, however, should the law be incorrect, “as is the race act” then we cannot possibly hope to. Quite simply AAWR existed to warn about our racial demise, we were never there to play into neo-conservative hands and berate Islam, as many are prone to do, nor were we there to praise only the flag, whilst forgetting the people under it. It was not our goal to continually disparage, the British National Party nor its leader, or to present as thugs when we are not, our goal has always been to warn, to contest and to protest.

Amongst we whites, there are many who I personally would not give the time of day, many who are scum of the lowest order, amongst non-whites there are many splendid individuals, however, does this mean that we, as a distinct race should die out for them. Does it mean that any have the right to kill us and we have no say, at first they told us that migration would make little difference, that it would not affect our way of life, now they tell us how to talk lest we offend, they tell us how to live lest not in line, we are not permitted to object. By whose authority do they kill off my family line, mine and yours, who has ever had the right to murder us, I have little care indeed for their scheme, for their twisted dream ,their vision, what I care about is living, about passing on all that I am and we are, intact.

I am white, we are white, that is our culture and our genotype, yet we are worth so little that they would kill us and frighten us into petrified acceptance by draconian legislation, isn’t that tyranny, despotism, an autocracy of true evil, so AAWR exists and will hopefully again, a small voice crying out against evil maybe but a voice. So in my own ponderous way I got there, never simple I, always saying too much, so pop back, hopefully we will be back, preferably better but back nonetheless, I hope that you will stay with us, now time to write a web-page…

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