
12:13 by Editor · 0 Post a comment on AAWR

You know opinions matter, especially now in these days, for this reason most comments are left, some however use our site to increase traffic, within reason AAWR doesn’t mind this, after all it’s why we tinkered with the html, removing the “nofollow” attribute. For the uninitiated, the “nofollow” attribute is a piece of code found within the template upon which this site is built, what it means is this, altering the code allows others who own a site to be linked to via user generated content, in this case our comment area.

Originally the larger search engine providers Google, Yahoo!, and MSN, came together to discuss ways of thwarting spammers, they came up with the rel="nofollow" attribute, which is now automatically placed within bloggers coding. Of course, altering this tiny bit of code results in links being indexed by search engine spiders, which increases traffic to the sites concerned. Of course, I have some issues with it, primarily because some comments are unadulterated advertising however, I feel this can be the case regardless and one can always delete such spam.

So as long as comments left relate to the article they shall be left however, this is an ongoing situation and AAWR may change this policy at any time, primarily this post is to talk about opinion and as ever I drift off onto other things, for which I can only apologise to the reader. For most readers all this talk of SEO manoeuvring and related issues may appear quite, quite baffling however, I would like to assure such readers that it is important, without such stratagems AAWR would not have the search engine rank it currently does and it must be remembered, that we almost always appear within the first page of Google and this site has featured prominently on major news sites as linked content.

This an amazing achievement given we are nationalist in orientation and output and as readers may be aware, nationalism functions on an uneven footing to all other political ideologies, in fact it is safe to say that our viewpoint is censored. For this reason I feel we must give out the correct image, not the image conceived in the minds of tabloid story-tellers, nationalists are by and large decent people, hold absolutely no desire to harm others, we are protectionist and preservationist by nature. Yet we are given no platform and political opponents have absolutely no qualms, in agitating for and achieving this aim, they will say that we “should not be given the oxygen of publicity”, yet in a very real sense this is denying the people a voice.

Generally my views are not that different to that of the man and women in the street, although this is changing and what were once commonplace views are now considered beyond the pale or in reality, individuals have been frightened into silence, in writing, my views perhaps appear more extreme given my use of expressions not now commonly used, such as the word negro. Yet I will not call them niggers, as it is not my place to offend and such offensive language aids only nationalisms enemies and helps to lower we all to thug status. So I use the term negro, I mean it as non-insulting and can think of no other term, we ourselves are Caucasian and this term itself is used a lot on AAWR, although primarily the term white is used in preference, I could therefore use the term black, although again it has negative connotations, so in the interests of all I use the term negro principally.

You will find that racially disparaging terminology is not used on AAWR, quite simply because we are nationalist, that is to say we respect all races and creeds and have no wish to create conflict or denigrate others, we are though as a matter of course realists, a subject I have referred to before so shall leave for the moment. Yet should you read the newspapers or watch television, the image portrayed is somewhat different, there nationalists are anti-group, violent in the extreme and mere savages, yet one must question to what fiddle does the media dance, could a pro-nationalist television channel even exist, never mind be conceded airtime, legitimate parties are denied even venues, so a fair playing field is out of the question.

So it is left to nationalists themselves to endeavour to present the argument, although each nationalist will present their case as they see it, for this reason I believe there can never be consensus, never be that much sought after unity, not that is until we are forced by dint of circumstance to fight physically for our survival, a situation I am sorry to say that may indeed transpire. So opinion is important, vital, especially in such Orwellian times. We live in unique times, times in which free-speech has moved from the physical world to the cyber but please remember the freedoms we enjoy now to read, watch or create our own material will in the future be almost non-existent, do you for one moment believe that they will continue to permit cyber-freedom.

Today freedoms our ancestors took for granted, such as the freedom of association, is now no-more, today should nationalists meet, they are photographed, corralled and in some instances physically attacked, this of course works on two levels the first is direct intimidation and the second intimidates indirectly those that would-be. Our freedoms are dying for a myriad of reasons but they are dying, today we have many gadgets, many ways of communicating yet we seldom interact, society has become closed off, compartmentalised and I see no benefit, see no gain.

Today you can read this site, access it and read opinion, news and comment, in the future this will not be the case, should they wish to, the internet can be simply switched off and already they seek to create a new world-wide-web, one more controllable, one less free. So it is vital that you use your freedoms, vital that you have your say, both on AAWR and indeed other sites. On AAWR there are many ways to interact, to promote nationalism and to have your say, firstly you have the ability to comment, not just to those around you but to the world, this site is global and many will have chance to read your opinion. Secondly AAWR has a poll-page this is a way of gauging user opinion on various matters, generally it is UK specific, although some questions may be more wide-ranging, so we hope you will utilise this feature.

Thirdly you have the option to write for AAWR, remember in doing so that we are a nationalist site, that is to say you must address issues from such a position, although counterviews expressed in a dignified manner may be published in order to promote debate, generally I must say the comment field is best for this. You can have your say in other ways to by contacting AAWR via e-mail or you may send us relevant news articles, links or information, all in all please do not self-censor yourself, AAWR is there for you. Interaction is quite easy, no personal information is kept and we moderate only the profane, the illegal or the disparaging.

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