Schindler's List found in Sydney

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A list compiled by the German industrialist Oskar Schindler has been discovered by a researcher at a library in Australia. 

Schindler's list helped hundreds of Jewish workers escape death in the Holocaust during World War II. 

It was found in research notes which belonged to the Australian author of Schindler's Ark - the basis for the Oscar-winning film, Schindler's List. 

The document was found at the New South Wales Library in Sydney. There are 13 pages of fragile, yellowing paper, upon which are typed the names and nationalities of 801 Jewish people. They are being described as some of the most powerful documents of the 20th Century. 
Gas chambers 

The list was hurriedly typed on 18 April 1945, in the closing days of World War II, and compiled by Oskar Schindler, a card-carrying Nazi. 

Schindler ran a factory in Krakow, Poland, during the war, where he used Jewish labour. 

Appalled by the conduct of the Nazis, he sought to persuade officials that his workers were vital to the war effort and should be spared from the death camps. 

"It saved 801 men from the gas chambers... It's an incredibly moving piece of history," library co-curator Olwen Pryke said. 

This Schindler's list was found sandwiched between research notes and German newspaper clippings gathered by Australian author Thomas Keneally. 

Ms Pryke said neither the library nor the book dealer, from whom it bought the six boxes of material in 1996, realised the list was hidden among the documents.  continues here

Well thank goodness for that, just when you think the purported holocaust is not newsworthy up it pops ever buoyant, its handy though isn’t it, handy in these times when the holocaust appears to be losing its hold, losing its appeal, so it must be promoted, they’ll be teaching it in schools next, oh… It seems as if no other people ever suffered, as if there were no others in the camps, as if there is a hierarchy of victims, it matters little I suppose the millions of non-Jews who died, although I won't make the easy mistake and say for freedom, those millions that fought each other in an unnecessary war, a pointless war an orchestrated debacle, if anything should come from that, from what they made us do, it is this, we must never march for them again, never stand as opposing forces upon any field.

Oh there was a holocaust alright but it wasn’t Jewish and I’m sick of hearing them declare it was, such rubbish is an affront to all of our people, who died needlessly, died so that a new and terrible empire could rise, died so that the elites could live, could exploit and finally kill us off. I cannot stop them of course, cannot control the life of my children but I beg them, beseech them and pray to any god, that my children will not fall for their well-made adverts, their propaganda, their abject lies, I pray that my children will find satisfaction in other ways and not simply rush to the flag as many of us have in my family, I would hope that none of us will ever fight for you again.

Oh should parachutists fall from the sky or forces rush ashore then we will be there, we always have been, yet now for us, for we, not for you, they know this I think, realise it and so they push for automation, for mindless far-away killing for destruction en-masse. I have to say I hate them, will always hate them, for lying to us, for exploiting us, for destroying our birthright and creating this new so terrible world, the sham of remembrance day, the shame of knowing politicians standing before cenotaphs, acting their act, whilst those who fought have nothing. Remembrance day, such rubbish, such stupidity, such nonsense, one day a year, one day and neglect them the rest, turn society on its head and make their sacrifice worthless.

No it is the Jews, the Jews, always them, always they, how they suffered, how they endured, why lets make films of it, countless, countless films, propaganda more like, eye-candy for the stupefied, food for the thoughtless. I hear it, distant at first, the screeching in the wind, as if a thousands banshees fly to war, the heavens swirl and darkness descends and the voices of condemnation rise, you see we simply mustn’t question this thing, mustn’t use brain and senses, we must simply believe, believe and believe again, we must drink lies as wine and live in a stupor created. The new breed of nationalist will recoil, anger surface and face discolour, what is this heresy, what is this stubbornness in the face of the new order, why they are as us, they are the same it is the Mohammedan I tell you, fight them, tally ho and away and all the while evil grows.

There has never been an official inquiry into the Holocaust(sic), never been debate in fact the reverse, question any aspect and expect upheaval, expect oppression, expect retaliation, yet there are so many aspects to this event that require questioning, rather than imprisoning individuals lets have some light, lets see finally for once and end this thing. Certainly Jews died, this there is no doubt however they were not the principle players and in fact many fought against German forces, making them legitimate targets, I’m sorry officialdom, I’m sorry new nationalism but I question it all, each and every sorry aspect, it doesn’t add up, doesn’t ring true.
Yet does it matter, after all to most on the street it has little meaning, for most, it is a subject one is forced to study in school, giving one position I must add and no counter, so does it matter.
Well yes it matters quite a lot, the Holocaust(sic) is used to inhibit nationalism, it is used to sway the general public to a counter position, for instance each of us has grown up surrounded by anti-Nazi propaganda, tales of their evil in just the cinematic genre, runs into the millions and in each film the Germans are portrayed as inherently evil and even sadistic. Tie that into nationalism generally and it is easy to see why it matters, because in the public mind nationalism equates to murder, to bullying to psychosis, to a mass campaign of evil purpose. Now I ask you all you nationalists of any stripe, of any party or none, do any of us wish to create camps, wish to instigate mass slaughter or are we human in the extreme, beset by a humanitarian streak that wishes only to preserve ,to preserve and prevent conflict.

Let me put my cards upon the table, make my position clear, I question the holocaust(sic), I believe that all alien influence should leave our land, I believe that it is in the interests of the elites to portray German forces as innately evil and I believe that it is all a lie, all a fiction. Oh it sells books, makes for an enjoyable movie but it is rubbish, created entertainment of a certain political bent, I’m afraid war brings out the beast in man and why not, is not war of that level. Atrocities happen in any conflict, it is par for the course but saying therefore that a conceived genocidal campaign took place well that is a different matter that requires investigation, public exposure, for it is evil in the extreme. You see I can look to communism and find a systematic campaign, I can see the targeting of religious leaders, intellectuals and pheasants, I can see the annihilation of all pockets of resistance and a organized campaign of slaughter, yet the holocaust has never been proved to me, a film is not enough.

What I can see, other than the inconsistencies, is a systematic campaign against patriotism, against nationalism, against people, in this campaign the holocaust(sic) is used as a tool, for who can continue if such evil is thrown into the pot, what nationalist party has answer, some succumb they hurriedly declare their pro-semitic credentials, forgetting that many Muslims are semites to. Some have the affront to invite Jews to membership, not considering they to are alien to western culture, how can it be okay to accept Jews as ourselves and not Muslims, both have similar belief systems, both slaughter in similar way and both are ethnocentric in the extreme, of course many Muslims stand out, they look different, so lets simply all look white but change anyway, that’s rather like saying lets embrace the new order, the malevolent concept now taking place, lets become a rainbow nation for convenience, after all, quite soon we will all look the same, brown in this hypothesise, it will only be a cultural change, what about us.

What about whites, both culturally and genetically, must we retreat from reason, flee the field in fear, lets be clear, we have the right to exist, the right to exist as any other people and forces seek to change that, many of them forces Jewish, lets not run from this, take flight in terror, to do so both admits defeat and also declares we are wrong. Nationalism isn’t about the targeting of individuals, about the destruction of their creed or type far from it, it is simply about preservation, Jews for good or bad have their land, their culture and their genotype we must have ours. Yet what do I see on many nationalist sites and weblogs I see. “I support Israel” or “support Israel now more than ever”, such stupidity such nonsense, Israel is a stolen country, a country rogue, it kills with the support of all world-powers and it acts malignly, nationalists have a duty, a duty to condemn this state ,to stand with those disposed and to speak truth.

What is nationalism if it quakes when truth is spoken, if it withers internally and turns to other routes, what use the ballot if when power is gained truth must be spoken, many tell me this, oh we must present image, appeal, tell them what they want to hear, work with the system and once we achieve power then… So in effect we lie, we gain power crookedly and then we throw away manifesto and show another face, sorry its rubbish, its fallacy and its wrong, such action places you in the same camp as current orthodoxy, they to lie, cheat, exploit and destroy, they to throw away the manifesto, needing it only for office, they have their intent and the peoples wishes are not part of it.

Oh but we will never gain office then, never revert situation, do greens seek office on a expand airport platform, do conservatives profess socialism, do socialists declare a capitalist bent or are we special, do we have an unwritten right to lie to the public, exploit the body-politic and con our way into office and how long in office will we be, that’s assuming that politics is not a dirty game, that the game works in certain favour. Will the people who we have lied to take it, will they be forced to, will we declare that we have lied so face it, we are here now, better to tell the truth, better in the long run, better to appeal to the people as decent patriots than lying hyenas. Its quite easy you know, we are here for you, to preserver and protect you, is that hard or must we always run, always be cowed by the holocaust industry and all it represents.

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