The Speech

23:19 by Editor · 0 Post a comment on AAWR

It was a great speech an inspiring speech, written I should imagine, by gifted speechwriters and I high on irony, yet it showed us just a glimpse of the world to come, in that world whites are a minority, non-whites obviously predominate and indeed dominate. Yes it was inspiring, great, had a terrific catchphrase, not especially Caucasian but there you go, the event wasn’t particularly Caucasian, Islington and indeed greater London is pretty much a non-white enclave now, whites moving en-masse to the suburbs, of course as always, I have to ask, “what do we do when there is no-where left to go?”. 

In this world the balance of power is not held by the people, not held by the voter, the tax-payer or the worker, it is held by an elite, an elite that have at various times shifted with the political wind, setting their ship in anticipated direction. At one time egalitarianism held no promise, whites as a people held power and to move against that threatened elitist interests, now however, non-whites are moving at a tremendous pace towards hegemony, towards their long-anticipated power, towards their reward for their many years of agitation against white society. 

Oh the elites will still hold true power, however, its face will be somewhat darker, somewhat more controllable and somewhat out-played, as we have been, countries to the east now rise, rise out of our demise and herald in a different world, a world changed beyond recognition. Will and are, the movers and shakers of those rising countries, rising economies, rising forces, will they repel a takeover, survive as a people distinct, govern themselves without a shady hand or are they already merely marionettes, controlled in all ways, just a face for the people. 

In many ways it doesn’t matter not to us, not to whites, if we exist at all it will be as a tiny minority, a minority send spiralling back to nothingness, having handed over all we have to others and existing on others say-so. Michelle Obama went to this school calculatedly, she knew and they knew that it send out a signal, gave a message and once fed to the owned press, well it entered all homes, all heads and all hearts and I’m glad for them, glad for those girls who spent just a moment with their heroine, for the girl “high-fived”, for those that were inspired and those that will be but it wasn’t for us, wasn’t for mine and wasn’t for yours. 

It has taken some time to reach this position, to place a non-white in such a visible position, years of conditioning, years of scheming, until society was ready, ready or could no longer protest, contest or thwart and the deed is done. Yet for the Obama’s resentment remains, coiled inside like a serpent, for them imposing their mark is all, after all this is history, this is power and they are negroes, as negroes they have, as if it were mothers milk, been bred surrounded by anti-white rhetoric, superstition and downright lies, as have many non-whites, now it is pay-back time. 

Now convention must be challenged, little snubs here or indeed there complete offensiveness, it is of course understandable, wouldn’t you, wouldn’t you just a little get back at the bully, trample on a few toes and assert your new found power. It matters little I suppose, that whites collectively were never the bully, that whites have been deliberately portrayed as evil, in order to use non-white grievance as a weapon, as a battering-ram to facilitate entrance ,to breach the castle and install a new guard. 

Our castle has surely been breached, ripped apart more like, all that remains now is structure, its heart has gone and soon over time, structure read convention, will go, Michelle Obama, give a great speech, oh no not really content, although the catchphrase smacked of her heritage, no, for all that the content was middling, strewn with clichés a platitudinous stew, a broth of fustian rubbish served up to delight egalitarians, so-called progressives and non-whites, as a race-realist, for me, it merely underlined the fact, that social animals always refer to group and Michelle Obama did just that, did we really expect any different.   

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