
19:53 by Editor · 0 Post a comment on AAWR

Some time ago now the concept of the Incidence Map Project © was born, motivated by the lack of media coverage and huge number of “incidences” occurring, myself and others discussed ways in which, by using our own media, we could reach the general public with the facts. We were not to know that the British National Party had a similar idea, although we had all at some time or another read the National Fronts fallen list, a site now lamentably missing from the world wide web.

We realised almost at once the limitations of hard copy, both in terms of delivery and indeed expense, although I have argued that the web itself has massive limitations, further, with the demise of the fallen list many “incidences” would in all likelihood be forgotten. I had at one stage recreated the fallen list as a coding experiment, realising immediately that I had in fact created an exact clone, right down to styling, I realised that I needed to begin again and perhaps add an interactive element. So I deleted the fallen list I had created from my hard drive, little realising that the National Fronts version would no longer be accessible publicly and pondered a new way forward.

In discussion I theorised that not all” incidences” were racial, that is to say motivated by dissimilarity or pigmentation, although all would not have happened were it not for immigration, this truth I believed needed to be spelled out and presenting all “incidences” as racial, left one open to being discredited, a situation attempted against the British National Party by that loathsome rag Searchlight in relation to the Racism cuts both ways campaign.

Moreover some cases needed review, one in particular involved Caucasian assailants although online sources and indeed the Racism cuts both ways leaflet had it down as non-white assailants, this once we had the facts was altered, although in truth, given the scarcity of information pertaining to the subject at hand, mistakes are inevitably bound to happen, although every endeavour is taken to negate such circumstance.

At the time we had a number of individuals, all correlating and cross-checking information, we utilised a network of unaligned independent nationalists, to both source and submit information and we utilised online source materials, all in all it was hard work and dare I say still is. Eventually we had the bare bones and the Incidence Map Project © went live, I was invited to write an introduction ,explain how to maintain and use the blogging platform and the rest was left up to other individuals.

At the time also, the UOIN initiative had also been born, an endeavour to create a networking facility for independent nationalists, this also involved a number of other individuals and sites and now today the initiative has for the moment been placed on hold and all resources used for other projects, many of the individuals concerned have moved on to other things, I myself devote more time to AAWR©, whilst others almost without exception, promote or aid nationalism in other ways. Although it is sad to say, that three of our number have now left nationalism, either in disgust at its direction or for personal reasons, each though still believe whole heartedly in nationalism.

I began to subtly redesign AAWR©, advised and helped immensely by a friend, I decided to add more depth to AAWR©, create a more professional navigational infrastructure and again create a more interactive experience than that offered by other sites hosted on this platform. This in itself is tremendously hard work, unknown to many but changes are almost constant, from a newly added link to a complete navigation page or subject area and it is this that I now address.

The Incidence Map Project © needs overhaul, needs more exposure and needs fresh content for these reasons it is to be as much as possible incorporated into AAWR©, I believe it to be extremely important for many reasons, primarily to warn others and also to commemorate the slain but also in order to advocate for much-needed change. That change is at first recognition of the victim’s plight, the realisation of the detrimental harm caused by non-white immigration but also to help to end such injurious immigration.

Each and every one of those victims died needlessly, of course many may well of died by other means or by other hands, certainly we have our own maniacs, however the truth of the matter is this, all of the victims died by a non-Caucasian hand, by individuals, that should commonsense have prevailed, would not be living here, it is this simple truth that must be spoken. Many non-whites are lovely people, they come here for a better life, a life at our expense but a better life nonetheless however, many non-whites have been bred to hate us, fed venomous milk and weaned on anti-white hatred, born amongst resentment and envy they seek to exact retribution.

Such feelings produced by whatever means present as an absolute threat to both whites and white society, there can be no doubt to my mind that non-white immigration must be stopped, not inhibited by a points system or by visas but stopped and for good. Certainly at the moment all immigration must be halted, be individuals Caucasian or any race, we simply have no more room, few resources and little left, of course, as a realist I know full well that some immigration must occur, economic immigration must be banned, purely because in and of itself it is exploitative, other forms at a sustainable level may be permitted under supervision, however non-white immigration in all forms is injurious.

It is injurious both to whites and indeed to non-whites, it is a by-product of capitalism of exploitation, a needed vote for the left and a blight upon our country, there should never again be another murder, never again be the chance that a white is killed for a dream, for a utopia impossible. This race to genocide must be halted and victims such as those mentioned on the Incidence Map Project © must not continue to be created.

It is my intention as mentioned, to incorporate the map into AAWR© however, more than this, I shall endeavour to collect information specific to the victim, quite simply because information such as news reports are inevitably lost over time, leaving the victim unreported upon and vital information denied the public. By law AAWR© cannot post full articles however, we can post as much as it is humanly possible provided we link to its legitimate source, we endeavour to comply with this law as much as possible, after all it is only fair, they create the content. Should it be possible, I shall endeavour to add further AAWR© content to their story.

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