Gangs Traffic Children Through Heathrow

07:53 by Editor · 0 Post a comment on AAWR

Criminal gangs are using immigration laws to traffic children into Britain through Heathrow Airport, a leaked report has revealed.

More than 80 children have escaped from an assessment centre near Heathrow airport and only four of them have been found.

One of the girls who was discovered had become pregnant and it later emerged she and another had been forced to work in brothels in the Midlands.

A secret report by the UK Border Agency, leaked to The Guardian newspaper, said the centre had become a "clearing house" for international gangs.

It revealed some children simply walked out of the building to be picked up by waiting cars while others escaped out of windows or during fire drills.

A spokesman for the UK Border Agency said: "Children identified as vulnerable by UK Border Agency officers are placed in the care of local authority social services. Local authorities have a duty to ensure children are kept safe from harm."

Despite this the council which runs the assessment centre insists it cannot force children to remain there.

Julian Wooster, Hillingdon Borough council's deputy director of Children and Families, said: "We cannot lock the doors because it's a breach of their human rights. Unless they have committed a crime we do not place them in a secure setting."

"We try to persuade them not to run away from the centre."

Shadow home secretary Chris Grayling said the leaked report highlighted a "scandalous situation in our immigration system".

"To have such a large number of children going missing when they are supposed to be in care is unacceptable. We need an urgent explanation from the home secretary."

The UK Border Agency says, in the last year, 12 traffickers have been prosecuted for preying on the children.

Research by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (Ceop) showed at least 325 youngsters had been identified as potential victims of trafficking in one year.

The potential victims came from 52 different countries, including China, Britain, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Romania and Vietnam. continues here

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