Hundreds of illegal immigrants armed with knives and crowbars swarm round Calais trucks heading for Britain By Tom Rawstorne

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Just half a mile from the ferry terminal in Calais, a UK-bound lorry driver at the weekend makes the mistake of slowing down to a crawl on the A26 Autoroute des Anglais dual carriageway.

At a signal from their fixers, around 100 illegal migrants arise from the wooded verge where they have been concealed and try to swarm aboard the vehicle, and others behind, desperate to find somewhere inside or underneath they could stow away to reach the UK.

So intent are they to get to what they see as a land of easy asylum, council housing and generous benefits that they risk being crushed by the trucks' wheels. Some carry crowbars or knives to try to prise open a chink in the lorries' defences.

This time the traffic speeds up again and none gets aboard. The migrants melt back into the woodland to await the next chance of an ambush.

In a nearby industrial area, on the Rue des Garennes, a dozen stowaways were discovered last week hiding inside an empty tanker.

Workers were about to fill it with concentrated sulphuric acid when they heard muffled cries coming from within. Another few seconds and the migrants, Afghans and Kosovans, would have been horribly burnt to death.

It's just another week in the relentless assault on Britain's borders.

Farther along the Rue des Garennes, at a truckers' cafe the owner is at his wits' end. He has had knives pulled on him so many times by the clandestines, as they are known in these parts, that he is ready to throw in the towel altogether.

Other businessmen have already done so. The caravan showroom is now boarded up, while a yard once piled high with second-hand pallets lies empty - stripped bare by the migrants.

The problems along this nondescript street are down to geography. It backs on to an area of open land where the people of Calais used to take the air, to walk their dogs, to picnic in the summer.

Not any more. Today it is a no-go zone known simply as The Jungle - a sprawling shanty town that grows by the day and which has become the latest focus in this sorry and seemingly unending saga.

Far from going away, this situation just over 20 miles from Britain is deteriorating fast.

It is estimated that in excess of 1,000 immigrants are living rough around Calais, 400 or so of them in The Jungle.

They all want to get to Britain and in recent months their numbers have swollen. More worrying still is the growing desperation they exhibit in their attempts to cross the Channel.

'The migrants have changed attitude in the past few months,' observes Dominique Vanneste, director of Tioxide. 'They've become a lot more aggressive. Staff are regularly attacked and threatened with iron bars. There have even been death threats.'

It is something that businessman Chris Wood knows only too well.

The 63-year-old is a public school-educated Englishman who, by a quirk of fate, finds himself in the very heart of the chaos.

Twenty years ago he set up his wholesale business, Eurostop, selling beer and wine to French hypermarkets. His offices and warehouses are on the Rue des Garennes and just happen to be the closest buildings to The Jungle.

In recent months he has seen business plummet as truckers, fearful of stopping lest immigrants board their lorries, boycott the area.

On an hourly basis young men stroll across his property in groups of 20 and more.

Ask them to move on and at best they will grudgingly comply, at worst respond with cut-throat gestures or volleys of rocks and stones.

'In the past, we used to just have the odd guy camping out the back, but we never really noticed it,' says Mr Wood. 'Then all of a sudden it has escalated and then escalated some more.

'Whether there are fewer people successfully getting through to Britain, causing a backlog, or whether more people are coming in I don't know, but it certainly has got much worse. The situation has exploded - people say that something really bad is going to unfold. I hope it doesn't, but you fear the worst.'

Unlike the neighbouring businesses, there isn't much on Mr Wood's sprawling premises that can be easily stolen. But that's because everything that could be taken has already gone.

A corner of the yard is rented out to AS24, a petrol station. It has four pumps on the site which are unmanned, automatic and open around the clock. When security fencing was erected around the pumps a couple of months ago it was stolen.

Later investigations discovered that it had been dragged the 250 yards or so into The Jungle, where it is being used as the walls for a temporary mosque. No one dares to retrieve it.

Meanwhile, a mobile home in front of one of the giant warehouses from which Eurostop operates has been broken into so many times that staff no longer bother even to lock it up.

'The only thing left in it was the office cat, Blackadder,' says Mr Wood. 'I go in on a daily basis to feed him. A couple of weeks ago I went in to do just that and discovered that they had only gone and stolen the poor cat's bowl! It was just a little glass bowl, nothing special. I remember thinking to myself: " Goodness, this is really bad." I suppose I should be glad that they didn't take the cat as well.'

The words are accompanied by a rueful and weary smile. Mr Wood is a well-travelled, urbane man who spent the first 20 years of his working life as an executive selling Massey Ferguson tractors and machinery across Africa.

He has seen poverty in the raw and is sympathetic to the plight of genuine refugees, those compelled by circumstance to leave their homes and travel in search of safety.

'The first migrants we saw in Calais arrived in the late 1990s from Kosovo,' he says. 'I remember it very clearly because they were all genuine refugees and the trucks would pull in from across Europe and there would be whole families getting off. I could understand that and so could the people here. But over the years it has changed.'

In any case, residents of Calais proper were largely insulated from the influx at the beginning. The immigrants were housed at Sangatte on the outskirts of the town, in a centre run by the Red Cross.

A giant warehouse, at its peak it provided shelter for 1,000 people. But from the start its very existence was controversial.

While it provided humanitarian relief, there were well-founded concerns that it was acting as a magnet for asylum seekers from around the world, exacerbating the problem further.

The centre was closed in 2002 and as security was beefed up around the port the numbers attempting the crossing to Britain began to tail off. The problem, it seemed, was under control.

All that changed at the end of last year, when it became apparent that a new wave of migrants was massing in Calais. Statistics bear this out.

The number of migrants caught at Calais port has doubled this year - more than 1,000 were detected in refrigerated lorries and other HGVs between January and March.

Predominantly young males of working age, they are drawn from across the world, dividing themselves into ethnic groups once in Calais (The Jungle, for instance, is dominated by those from Afghanistan).

But what is causing concern locally is not only the number of migrants, but this hitherto unseen aggressiveness. This new edge has shocked Mr Wood, who has a French wife and three children, and has also shocked the townspeople.

'They have tolerated the situation for years, but not any more,' he says. 'Recently, I was driving through town with my wife near to where the charities hand out food every day.

'Suddenly, there was an almighty fracas. Sixty or 70 immigrants jumped over the railings into the road and started fighting with one another. They were armed with iron bars and knives. It was terrible. The locals saw that and said: "No thanks - we don't want that here."

'The view was that if they wanted to come here and to get on the back of a British truck that was fine - it didn't affect us - but now they are here in such numbers it has spilled over. They are everywhere and people feel threatened by it.'

The reality of that threat was brought home a few months ago when a British student studying journalism ventured into The Jungle. She was raped, her ordeal at the hands of a man believed to be a gangmaster lasting 45 terrifying minutes.

This undercurrent of aggression is something that Mr Wood has also seen at close quarters.

His office window overlooks the row of petrol pumps. Next to it is a small retail outlet which he stocks with crates of beer and boxes of wine to sell to truckers as they fill up.

The inhabitants of The Jungle are aware of this and hide behind outbuildings, staking out the area. When a lorry pulls up they run after it, forcing open its rear doors and attempting to jump in.

Mr Wood has witnessed this more times than he can remember, capturing it on video camera on numerous occasions.

He says: 'You would be amazed at the speed and ingenuity of these people. One minute there is a fleeting shadow speeding from behind the wall of our shop towards the truck and next thing you know the lorry door is open and there is a stream of migrants being bundled into the lorry. It is a bit like paratroopers jumping out of a plane, only in reverse.'

Occasionally, he intervenes. 'I was in front of the shop recently when a couple of British truck drivers I knew stopped,' he says. 'I told them they had a couple of people hanging around at the back of the truck.

'There was one lad who I had seen before and I told him to get lost. He went crazy, telling me that I couldn't talk to him like that. He then went to pick up a big rock and I remember thinking: "I'm in big trouble here."

'I decided to stand up to him, but he just told me: "I don't care about what happens here because I am going to England. I will get to England."

'Fortunately some of the guys with him pulled him back and calmed him down. I don't know what would have happened if they hadn't - I have seen them stone lorries and their drivers. I was really shaken up by it.'

All Mr Wood wants to do is be able to get on with his everyday life. With things as they are, his business is suffering and his nine-strong staff are in a permanent state of fear.

SO WHAT to do? Initially the talk within the business community was of setting up vigilante groups to forcibly clear out the migrants from The Jungle. This was not a course of action Mr Wood favoured. Instead, he persuaded his fellow businessmen to start a campaign of letter writing to raise the issue with the authorities.

This has met with some success. Two weeks ago, the French immigration minister Eric Besson came to Calais and agreed to meet business leaders, including Mr Wood.

The politician promised that by the end of the year The Jungle would be cleared away and that it would be replaced by a series of 'mini' welcome centres set up along the French coast. These would offer food, showers and information about how to claim asylum in France.

'The Jungle will cease to exist,' Mr Besson vowed. While the announcement was welcomed by Mr Wood and his colleagues, nothing has so far happened.

In fact, last week French engineers actually installed a water stand-pipe in The Jungle - hardly a sign of imminent closure.

Mr Wood says the French continue to think that the British are largely to blame for the situation. They believe that Britain's generous welfare benefits attract foreigners from all over the world and that they use their country as a base to get to the UK, where they will claim asylum or else disappear into the black economy. continues here

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