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THE ORGANISATION I joined was christened The Owl because owls hunt rats, our term for Nazis. It was created by survivors of the Holocaust who came from wealthy families and were well known in business circles.

They benefited, behind the scenes, from widespread and powerful support.

Members led a double life. While keeping up the façade of respectable businessmen, they waged a secret and ruthless war, tracking down Nazi war criminals who believed they were safe from human judgment.

This organisation of avengers had judged and executed the members of Shock Squadron 5 that had, under the leadership of Zorbach, Namsila and Lichtanker, massacred tens of thousands of Balkan Jews, including some of the relations of the founders of The Owl.

Other particularly bloody Nazi brutes, members of the fascist Arrow Cross Party, which reigned in Hungary during the war,paid for their crimes by meeting the same fate.

All the members of The Owl were Jewish. Many had survived the Holocaust, the names of my companions in arms have been disguised in order not to break the confidentiality of our organisation, which benefited from a limitless budget worthy of the largest secret services.“There is only one reason that the inquiry was to be heard in private and that is to protect past and present members of this Government.”

The facts I recount however are rigorously true but for reasons of confidentiality I omitted certain episodes.

“Remember, do not forgive, pursue step by step.”

That was the command given by The Owl and it perfectly sums up its character and mission.

At the end of the Eighties, having achieved most of its goals and, above all, fearing that its existence would eventually be exposed, the group decided to put an end to its activities.

Like all my comrades I was experienced in the techniques of secret warfare. I had taken part in the Yom Kippur war as a captain.

I had carried out several missions in Africa, the US and France. I also carried out missions in the Congo and in the Nineties trained special units of the Ethiopian army with a plan to save Ethiopian Jews.

I decided to recount my story of the hunt for Heim because of my children. Several Performing a partial U-turn he concedes what most sensible people will have been thinking all along.

Where possible the inquiry must be held in public. Only material that puts our national security at risk should be withheld.

Mr Brown has also conceded to a key opposition demand that witnesses can be made to swear on oath to tell the truth.

Air Marshal Sir John Walker, former Head of Defence intelligence, said: “There is only one reason that the inquiry was to be heard in private and that is to protect past and present members of this Government.”

Meanwhile, in a devastating comment on the Government’s plan not to publish the findings of the inquiry until after the election, Lord Butler, the former Cabinet Secretary, said: “I reluctantly conclude that the form of the inquiry proposed by the Government has been dictated more by the Government’s political interest than the national interest and it cannot achieve the purpose of purging mistrust.”

No wonder senior Labour figures are in despair that an announcement designed as a key part of Mr Brown’s political fightback has turned into a complete disaster.

Years ago my daughter was preparing for a school trip to Auschwitz. Before she left, our family watched a documentary about the Holocaust.

By the end of it she was overcome with emotion. Seeing her tears I said to myself that I owed it to her to tell my story, so that she would know that men had once risen up against forgetting and forgiveness.

I wanted my children to be proud of what we did.

ARIBERT HEIM was a rich man.

Today his widow and oneson still live in the superb home he shared with them in Baden Baden. After the war, and undetected, Heim became one of the prominent figures in the town where he opened a medical centre.

In 1962, however, the authorities discovered his past and moved to arrest him. On the night before he was to be taken into custody he received a phone call from a friend in high places (we will never know who) warning him... and the hunt that was to last 45 years was on.

The legend that Heim is still alive persists. There were alleged sightings in Latin America as recently as 2006. I know, because of my role in his capture, that Heim was killed in 1982.

He was snatched from a hospital in Quebec. I travelled with him in a private plane to Los Angeles and then on to the island of Catalina, just off the coast, where another group of comrades took over.

He faced trial and was then executed. Why, you may ask, did we make him stand trial?

It was felt that Nazis should be made to confront those they abused and tortured. I was not present when he was killed and I did not know where they disposed of his body.

It was essential that no trace should be left and no place marked where future generations of Nazis and other sick sympathisers could congregate. My work was done.

I had been one of those who had hunted him down, captured him and handed him on to meet his fate.

That is the end of the matter but it must be remembered that Heim kept his liberty so long because he was supported by powerful networks.continues here

Perhaps it is not only “the community” that never forgets, perhaps there is indeed an ongoing war and it has not yet ended ,there are those whom scoff at notions of an owned press, that dismiss such allegations as the ravings of the, “tin foil hat brigade”, yet can any other group of killers get such favourable attention. One must remember that elements of the Jewish community aided and abetted by treacherous gentiles, carried out the most brutal of campaigns against those from the right, even today old men are hunted and Jewish elements rabble rouse, commit violence and seek to inhibit the people’s voice.

Certainly it matters little, for their evil acts cannot and indeed must not be allowed to silence dissent, what right have they to kill, maim and Propagandise their rubbish, based upon Jewish logic, is it not right for the right to establish a group dedicated to avenging those killed by Jewish murderers or indeed perhaps the Islamic community, should send out assassins in the name of their dead. Yet in both cases there will not be the fourth estate crowing over their deeds, yet Jewish killers are celebrated, no thought is given to their evil deeds,deeds wherein men and women died, individuals were seriously injured and evil was committed.

I wish some would wake up to the hypocrisy, wake up smell the coffee and realise, that this community has and indeed still does commit great harm, if their demands are not met they utilise violence or brainwash others to commit it in their name, oh but they are ever the victims, ever the besieged community, what rubbish, abject and utter rubbish, there is a besieged community and dear reader it is Gentile.

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