Hunger strike at Yarl's Wood detention centre

20:17 by Editor · 0 Post a comment on AAWR

At least 30 detainees have been on hunger strike since Monday in protest at poor conditions at the Bedfordshire site
Melchior Singo, 39, from Malawi, said people in the family unit had stopped eating in protest at the sub-standard healthcare and the detention of children. The action began on Monday.

One detainee, Solomom Ojeheonmon, said: "Children, some of them as young as five months old, in this detention centre, are sick."

In April, Sir Al Aynsley-Green, the children's commissioner, said the government's policy of holding 2,000 children a year in removal centres could be harmful to their health. "The UK should not be detaining any child who has had an unsuccessful asylum claim," he said.

Susanna Kushaba, from Uganda, raised concerns when her five-month-old baby developed a temperature. She claims staff ignored her and she was forced to dial 999 to gain medical attention. "I tried telling the staff and the staff were calling the healthcare but no one was coming." continues here


My god consensus! Could it be that we are all in agreement, certainly I agree with Sir Al Aynsley-Green, in that, holding 2,000 children a year in removal centres could be harmful to their health”, not their physical health you understand, because invariably their treatment in this country, will be infinitely better than that given in their own, otherwise they wouldn’t come here, would they. No, if anything, dragging children half way round the world must in itself have an impact upon a young child; therefore sending such people back to their own communities is a humane act. Children need familiarity, not to be used by the unscrupulous to emotionally blackmail a people and its government, on the subject of blackmail, “if one is still allowed to use such a term”, think on this, if you were to travel to another country, not to milk it of course but simply to visit, imagine if you were captured, kidnapped and threatened with death, what pray tell would be our governments reaction, why of course they would not give in to terrorism.

Eventually your captors would kill you in anger or release you in disgust, yet here we have individuals who believe that they can blackmail the government of a sovereign nation, that can threaten to end a life unless we give in, surely the best course is to let them continue, to let them carry out their threat, an act that has been neither forced upon them nor indeed supported by this nation. No-one asked them to come here, in fact we are full up, no-one wishes to see any life end but if we do not take a stand against such action, then any individual could in theory hold us to ransom.

If an individual from this nation can be brutally beheaded, whilst his government stand by, then surely an individual from another country cannot and should not deserve different treatment, the latter holds his fate in his hands whilst the former has no choice. Of course it will never happen, we live in strange times, individuals from all corners of the globe trek here to milk us dry and we sit back and let it happen, what is wrong with us, we toil all day, strive to put food on the table and a roof over our head, we are heavily taxed by a greedy government.


Then to top it all both the government and indeed the alien rob us blind, oh but don’t say anything, “its racist”, aren’t you sick of that, sick of the mind manacles, surely we the people who created and now fund this country have the right to work for our interest, not that of the stranger, the greedy banker, greedier government and others with an agenda. Ah but what an agenda, what a scheme, dreamt up in citadels of evil, remove all difference, kill off nationalism and strive for a mono-world, why war would be ended if we were all the same, such nonsense, certainly war between nations may cease, at least for a time but global problems will only be brought into a local setting, causing if anything even more animosity.

On paper it looks good, on paper, yet in the real world it is a miserable idea, an idea for animals but never men, have we and indeed all men not the right to be different, not the right to our own little piece of this globe. As you look around you in your everyday life, it is easy to see the truth that is nationalism, easy to see that mankind is a social animal, that individuals find comfort and reason amongst their own. Yet if we look to conflict both today and yesterday we can see that it is a group conflict, one faction against the other, look recently to Ireland a land once riven by inter-factional warfare, as brother fought brother in a war financed once from Amsterdam.

At the time money interests needed to prevent a catholic Europe, needed to cause division, conflict and pain, the rest is history and some would have us still at each others throats, a situation wholly against the very concept of white nationalism.

Still I digress, which is my way, whether I speak or write but if we look to Ireland, only quite recently we can see one group, the indigenous peoples and another the interloper, the Roma, instead of recognising the wants and needs of the majority, an unwanted agenda is forced upon them, the minority wins out against the majority, anger simmers and there can never be true peace. Can nobody see, can not one of them in government speak truth or does the purse hold sway over human heart, is self worth more now than people, it would seem to be.

The solution dear reader is simple, we must stop exploiting each other, we must use a leash upon capitalism and we must prevent liberalist nonsense and leftist poison from infecting the masses, you see there needn’t be a horde in Calais, all intent upon reaching this, the promised land, there needn’t be an exploited, undermined indigenous people such as we, if we govern our affairs correctly. Imagine if instead of the lies we followed nationalism. If we again returned to commonsense, no conflict, no simmering anger and no offence on either side, yet squash us all into the same landmass and nothing grows but anger.


They know this of course, they with their agenda, it is why our police force walk now almost as paramilitaries, it is why cameras watch us at all times, it is why over there in Europe, a new “police-force” readies itself to enforce a law the people do not and will not want. Crafty communism, tyranny by stealth and we allow it to happen, there is a way, even now, even at this the eleventh hour, we must laugh at them, laugh at the left, do as they have done and undermine their ideas. We must invent “isms” ourselves, make of it a game, bring home the stupidity of being forced to accept a wretched fate, we must ridicule their system, take away the fear and again give freedom back to the people.

Oh there is more to do than just laugh but it is a start, if we can show up their ridiculousness, we begin the long climb up the hill, We must make the case for nationalism properly, not permit it to be hijacked by idiots and fools, we must show to all the humane nature of self-autonomy and that after all is nationalism, the ruling of a nation state by its people for its people, in its peoples interest. So what will win out, the legions of human rights lawyers ,the alien blackmailers or the people ,who will our leaders side with, us or them, I think you know the answer. 14

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