08:27 by Editor · 8 Post a comment on AAWR

RESIDENTS are furious at moves to offer more than 240 jobs to eastern European workers near a town where unemployment is soaring.

The agricultural workers from Romania and Bulgaria will be housed in 41 caravans on a huge site which will boast “college campus-style” recreation.

They will also enjoy free bus trips to nearby towns and free bicycle hire to get to shops and pubs, all provided by the vegetable farm at Wrangle, near Boston, Lincolnshire.

The area is already home to up to 12,000 migrant farm labourers, mostly from Portugal and Poland, while local unemployment is at a 12-year high.“I am getting to the stage where I don’t like going into town because I never hear anyone speaking English. It’s very intimidating.”

Earlier this week more than 600 people besieged a shop in Boston which was offering 25 jobs.

Resident Amanda Thomas said: “I am not against foreign workers coming over here, but just how many more can the town take? We are bursting at the seams.

“I am getting to the stage where I don’t like going into town because I never hear anyone speaking English. It’s very intimidating.”

Jobless Andy Pearson, 46, said: “Why do we need these foreign workers? I know in the past a lot of people turned their noses up at these sort of jobs. It’s hard work and not very well paid, that’s why all the farmers started getting foreigners in. But times have changed. If they advertised these jobs locally they’d get some takers.”

The company at the centre of the row, Staples, grows brassicas on 9,000 acres.

Boston Borough Council approved its scheme after the firm’s managing director, Vernon Read, said he could not rely on finding enough local labour.

Mr Read was unavailable for comment yesterday. continues here

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Anonymous said...
19 June 2009 at 14:04

I live in Yorkshire.I go out not as often as i used to.I find i am surrounded by different languages and feel really intimidated.No im not a racist,if i was i wouldnt be living here.Its just that i think we have taken more than our share of the people coming into Britain.Maybe the people who are pro all this are in towns where the immigration numbers are low.Some of our streets dont even look British any more.Yes let a reasonable ammount of people in .Please please place them with more thought for us.Its not nice feeling like the minority in your own town.

Editor said...
19 June 2009 at 21:40

Thank you for taking the time to comment on AAWR and for dropping by but why are you scared they will consider you a racist, in conversation one hears quite often, “I’m not a racist but… Why must we qualify our innate feelings, there are many theories as to when the term “racism” was first coined, for many Lev Davidovich Bronstein or just simply Trotsky as he came to be known was the culprit, others hypothesise that it was Magnus Hirschfeld, both of these individuals were of foreign stock and both wished to see a transformation of our society.

Yet it has all been twisted, your quite natural desire to live amongst your own has been perverted by those with an agenda and now such feelings are equated with hate, racism as it has come to be known in the popular perception is an horrendous thing, hatred of another for their difference, however for most nationalists and the general public, there is no problem should they reside within their natural territorial home. Anger, hatred and conflict occur, when disparate groups are forced to compete for the same resources within the same territorial space, quite simply nations were formed for a reason and to undermine them is to cause conflict not inhibit it.

How can it ever be right that you feel intimidated in “your” own country, how can it be right that you are afraid to speak your mind, least that slander you, call you a hater and yes, indeed imprison you, Europe is a white continent and there is nothing wrong with saying that, feeling that and being proud of that, not a one should be here. You say that we should “let a reasonable amount of people in” and that your only issue is placement, my issue lies further ahead as whites become a minority and face the very real danger of extinction.

You see we are a tiny minority upon this planet and we are under constant attack, besieged in every sense, it would seem that we are simply not allowed to live as nature intended. I hope that you will find some peace, that you will realise that even though it feels like it, you are not alone, there are many of us with exactly the same feelings , all of us forced to accept the unacceptable, “what about our rights”, please take care anonymous.

Anonymous said...
20 June 2009 at 09:17

Thankyou so much.Yes i am scared to make a comment.I wouldnt dare say anything racist.There are far too many immigrants around where i live.I live near Dewsbury where the Shannon Matthews saga was,Also where the bombers came from.Now even the dewsbury Mp Malik has brought even more shame on the town,by his greedy expenses.Feels like a no win situation here.I will not give in though.As you say i too have rights.Only thing is i only dare comment on here.No my only problem isnt placement,but i cant ever see the government listening.No matter how loud we shout.The only thing i can see that i can do is vote in secret and keep my fingers crossed.I know im not alone,but until we mice find our voice then we feel alone.If you see what i mean.

Editor said...
20 June 2009 at 19:33

Hello again Anonymous, you are a case in point, a case study in the affects of tyranny, years ago in the Soviet Union tyranny silenced the people, yet eventually a movement for change grew, slowly the people resisted the shackles placed around them by those with an agenda. Can I tell you something Anonymous, it is not Islam, oh you rail against these invaders, these interlopers, you feel both anger and fear as you look to your town, your county and indeed your country.

As you look around you, you see the alien, hear the alien and the alien dislikes you, would injure you in a heartbeat but it isn’t them, it is those that sit in their ivory towers, those that know your pain and would not aid you, it is Anonymous, the government and those that control it. Did you know that currently in the east another battle rages, another people fight for freedom from the alien, did you know that peoples of all races and creeds are under attack, whites most of all.

It serves the money-powers, serves evil-doers to ruin our country, to alter our culture and warp our gene, how dare they force you and millions like you to live in fear, how dare they say you are a hater, that your views are unworthy and you expendable. Anonymous you have the right, the absolute right to think as you do, you have the right to wish to live amongst your own, we all have they right, it is only tyranny that takes it from us.

You say that you vote, that is a good thing but please be aware that it will not lead to our freedom, the game known as politics is fixed, yet for now it is all we have, aswell as voting Anonymous voice your concerns, oh not out loud, do not place yourself in jeopardy, do not risk loss of employment or prospect of, do not risk losing your home and finally do not let give them reason to imprison you. Just to those you trust speak truth, that is all, if they ask you your opinion tell the truth, by that simple act a movement can grow, until their reprehensible laws are useless, until they must utilise the final recourse of the despot and release force against the people.

It will come Anonymous, one day this state will release its hounds, one day each of us must stand up and be counted, that day is not here yet, so just speak your mind to those you trust and in turn hopefully they will and by whispers a shout will develop, deafening enough to rock them in their ivory towers and set in motion their undoing. I suppose unusually for this day and age I will voice my opinion, whether here in cyber-space or out there in the real world, I to live amongst many immigrants yet that does not cow me, of course I have no wish to be offensive, no wish to cause harm, yet coupled with that I just will not let others silence me.

Once again thank you for taking the time to comment on AAWR ,you are welcome back anytime, I am sorry that multiculturalism and immigration cause you such trouble and create such fear but the government simply don’t care, sites like AAWR and others do ,take care Anonymous.

Anonymous said...
21 June 2009 at 22:40

Hello,You said i was welcome back,so here i am again,I just wanted to share with you what happened to my daughter this evening.
After she finished her late shift she went to get some petrol.Then she used the hole in the wall.Because of its position its easier to get out from the petrol station by driving behind it.So thats what she did.There were two cars parked side by side with two men talking.Both were Asians.One was inside his car the other outside with the drivers door open.So obviously she couldnt get through,After waiting several minutes she pipped her horn.The one outside his car said i cant move it im not the driver.Again she waited and pipped again.Nothing happened.By this time she had been there about 15 minutes.So she gave a hoot on the horn.The man sat in his car leaned out of his window and said whats wrong would you like me to move.So she said well it would be an idea yes.His reply,Go F*** your mother you white bitch.It took her several attempts to reverse back around the garage and she drove off.It wouldnt have done any good going in the garage and complaining,as the owner is also Asian.Obviously she was quite shaken,but theres nothing she can do.Two weeks ago she bought a new mobile phone,its one that records,so i told her anything ever happens again set it taping.If she had have got tonights incident on tape i would have gone to the police with her.Surely racism works both ways.Maybe this attitude is because the BNP have got in for Yorkshire,i know for sure something would have been done had it been the other way round.So thats both my daughters who have been treated this way.Its just one more reason i feel the way i do towards these people.
I feel much better now for telling someone.Thankyou for listening.x

Anonymous said...
24 June 2009 at 01:53

As stressful as the events were the other night.It has helped me to make a decision,one i have thought quite a lot about lately.I am putting my house on the market and leaving the area.Why should i have the stress and worry i dont need it.Hopefully my home will sell as many arent just now,but at the right price i think it will go.The way i see it is if i take myself out of the situation then life should be good again.Its not easy having your family coming home in tears and upset.I am feeling better already.

Editor said...
24 June 2009 at 10:22

Sorry for the late reply Anonymous, regrettably other matters have taken my time and for that I offer my apologies, I understand completely your situation, given that I and indeed others connected with this website live in an “enriched”. On that basis we know only too well the behaviour of our new Britons. I would imagine speaking from considerable experience that the behaviours exhibited towards your daughters has nothing to do with the BNP having, “gotten in, in Yorkshire”. Rather this attitude stems from upbringing and environment, non-whites of al creeds are brought up to believe that whites generally oppressed them, that whites exploited them and that whites given the chance would attack or harm them.

They obtain this belief via leftists, who use the grievances of minorities to further their reprehensible cause further; enforced multiculturalism does indeed produce animosity, which in turn leads inexorably to violence. Quite simply wherever groups are forced into competition for resources or territory violence is not far away, I will relate for you a story, some time ago now my son’s friend was riding his pushbike, the bike obtained a puncture, so he had no other option but to walk home, pushing his bicycle. As he was walking along a car appeared, it slowed down, finally stopped and four or five adult males alighted from the vehicle, “my son’s friend was fourteen at the time.

The males proceeded to severely beat him, even using the bicycle, dropping it upon him as he lay upon the ground, my sons friend is a small lad, moreover, he had never seen his attackers before, did not speak to them before the attack and remained for some time frightened to venture out. Now to some reading this, such events may seem unusual yet regrettably they are not, my sister was getting married and I was invited out by her intended to his stag night, there was a few of us and we had a good night, although some of us were the worst for wear. We were walking to find a taxi, I and some others were in a larger group behind, whilst quite far ahead my sisters intended, my brother and two others were in a group, as they were walking to find a taxi, a car slowed down, finally stopped and one of a number of young males wound down the window.

Comment continues below

Editor said...
24 June 2009 at 10:22

He began to ask for directions, whereupon all four of the group approached the car to help, as they lent towards the window a substance was sprayed into their faces, blinding some and causing pain, the car sped off and sometime later, we the larger group came upon them. I’m afraid I have little time for fools and my response was to find them and perhaps show them the error of their ways, my brother and my sisters now husband are quiet men, not predisposed to such action, reluctantly they talked myself and others out of it and eventually the police were called. The upshot of course is that nothing was done; the police informed us that such attacks occurred quite frequently, I quite angry was escorted out of the area, warned that should I take matters into my own hands I would be arrested and that is all, no effort was made to find the perpetrators.

I have no need to tell you the extend of anti-white attacks that occur, no need at all, as like me and millions of others you live it daily, yet politicians, leftists and others, insist that we are wrong, that multiculturalism is a good thing and that to think differently is wrong. So I am a heretic, I rebel against their plans, I speak the truth, I am a realist, enforced multiculturalism is an evil, an abhorrence and indeed a sham, there is a phenomenon, this phenomenon is called white flight, it is quite simply whites moving away as areas darken. Even this, this moving away, this white flight is considered racist, even though it is done for self-preservation of both the individual concerned and their families.

Anonymous you have no choice, you must move away if the chance presents itself, oh I realise that at some point we must stop running, by then of course other actions will need to be taken, for now Anonymous think of your family, your girls and yourself, best of luck, please stay safe. 14

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