Anti-Muslim Protests

12:56 by Editor · 2 Post a comment on AAWR

New protests

I hear on the grapevine that new protests are planned; regrettably it appears “football firms” seek attendance, it is notable also, that the left endeavour to sway the group and it has come to our attention that organised Jewry looks their way. There is an enhanced emphasis upon so-called anti-racism, why this is so who can tell, perhaps these people only see as far as their noses or perhaps such groups aid again dark quite simply this is a war for the people
forces. Certainly we see it now with any mass protest, this emphasis upon anti-racism, when in fact true racism has no greater marker, than enforced genocide, perhaps such groups follow the lead of nu-nationalism ,that is to say, they adopt a pre-set path, a useless one admittedly but one that serves their limited purpose.

Betrayal of the people

This country is dying, dying in every aspect and to say that its death is solely the work or mainly the work of the Muslim, is I believe to betray the people, the attack upon this country and indeed Europe is multi-faceted, ongoing for some time now and almost unstoppable but even now the people, the true power can win through. For this reason nationalists must look to these protests, must watch their progress, must watch for an inevitable change amongst the people, the left and others, as previously mentioned, seek to sway the group, send it in a non-patriotic direction, this in itself is telling.

For any section of the population to challenge orthodoxy, grip must be slipping and I envisage that quite soon the state will have no other recourse than to veto these marches, deal harshly with any that attempt to take place and generally drive this fledgling underground. As nationalists we will have seen this all before, the same has happened to ourselves countless times before, we are motivated by similar sentiments to these current marchers, although again we see the bigger picture and ours is an ideological stance, whereas I feel theirs, may purely be motivated by other factors.

Covert means

At present the drive is as it is within nationalism ,to use covert means to pull the train off its tracks, certainly if it can be done with nationalism then it can be done with the young or can it. These people have something on their side that nationalism has lost, youth, youth is a great motivator, it is a force that cannot be beaten easily, it is youth that create movements and the seasoned that maintain them. Certainly the state recognised some time ago that such protest would occur, plans are, I am afraid, already in place to deal with civilian bad-behaviour.

Yet it is of interest because even with all their power, should the people break their manacles, manacles set upon them by the state, then the state will have no recourse other than physical oppression, this in turn will stir other forces and a cycle may develop, until finally the people march for freedom. Nationalists will know that behind the scenes, unknown to most, the state prepares for such a contingency, that the policing of today grows steadily more despotic and that the bobby on the street today, will not be the same in just a few short years time.

Facade of protection

Under the facade of protection, tyranny lives amongst us, certainly we have as a people lost our freedom, lost our right to desist evil, it is my belief that malign forces work within all movements to undermine their true voice. I believe quite strongly that nationalism faces its abyss, quite because of such forces, today nationalism, correct nationalism, is a spent force, it is marginal and the people look to other movements. Due to this real nationalism has gone to ground, it exists well away from the rubbish presented today and although few in number, their ideological commitment augments markedly.

So the endless battle is still on, forces opposed to nationalism still operate to prevent the peoples take up, if one cuts through all the garbage, strips fact from fiction, quite simply this is a war for the people, a war to prevent nationalism taking hold, where it would be most powerful. To that end there are many forces constantly combating nationalism, some of those forces are themselves deluded, themselves infiltrated and their adherents swayed by malignancy. When one looks at our current situation it is dire, yet underneath the steel door dissent begins to ooze out, perhaps therefore the state will up the ante, it is for us to watch, wait and help the people when necessary.14

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2 Responses to "Anti-Muslim Protests"
misterfox said...
6 July 2009 at 21:22

Where has the link to the photos from Birmingham gone?

p said...
6 July 2009 at 22:47

their next post down mrfox

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