BNP hides its skinheads to woo voters

17:38 by Editor · 0 Post a comment on AAWR

BRITISH National party (BNP) skinheads are being urged to cover up their shaven scalps as the far-right group seeks to present a new, more respectable image, according to a leaked internal “war book”.

Polling experts believe the antiimmigration party led by Nick Griffin has a chance of picking up its first seats in the European parliament in June by capitalising on recession-fuelled rows over “British jobs for British workers”.

A handbook distributed to activists discloses how the BNP, which has already won a string of council by-elections, plans to soften its extremist reputation and appeal to potential supporters as an “alternative extended family”.

The manual for activists includes: Orders to “make sure your team are tidily dressed and look presentable. No naked torsos in summer, unshaven scruffs or skinhead haircuts (put them in caps or hats)”. Suggestions for the use of internet blogs to attack opponents, including ostensibly independent local blogs that “help us to collect and disseminate material damaging to other parties”. Ideas for reviving St George’s Day traditions to combat the “growing power of Islam”.

The handbook urges activists to rebrand the BNP by always using its full name. “The initials BNP have to an extent been turned into a demonised tag by the media,” it says. “‘British National party’ sounds more reasonable and comfortable.”

It warns members not to “express extreme views or advocate violence of any description. Your e-mails are probably less secure than you think”.

The manual says campaigning events are to be graded, green, amber or red. Red events are in “areas where there are heightened community tensions” and “must include advance consultations . . . [with] the national head of security”.

There is also advice on dealing with the police and Special Branch, described in the manual as “Britain’s secret police”. BNP members are advised to tell them to “get back into their kennels”.

The handbook adds: “Millions of people live very lonely and isolated lives. The decline of the family and the break-up of communities mean there is a big gap in [their] lives. Filling that gap, giving people an ‘alternative extended family’, is the most powerful recruiting tool.”

A spokesman for the campaign group Searchlight said: “This booklet exposes the reality behind the BNP mask of respectability. What other political party feels the need to ask its senior organisers to be careful not to get caught discussing their plans for violent behaviour on the internet?”continues here

Its continual isn’t it, the persistent attack upon the BNP and by extension nationalism; of course to many such as myself the BNP simply does not represent them, having dropped much in the way of true nationalist policy in their struggle for the vote. Yet it does not appear to have gained them, their advocacy of Zionism, their advancing and continuing distancing from the working class and their appeal to populists and those of a Tory mindset, still they are harangued, still they are attacked and still they are smeared, it seems as if they can do nothing right. 

Yet they should know, as do I, that the press in this country is far from free, far from impartial and far from fair, the press is owned, lock stock and barrel and to consider it otherwise is a fallacy. Still they tell me Jews pose no problem, it is the Muslim, still they contest some but not all issues, apparently some issues are too hard, too extreme or indeed too out of line, it is as if in order to win, we must cast aside truth. It apparently matters little that those of a Semitic disposition, lead the charge against nationalism and have always done so, it matters little that it was the Board of deputies, that began a campaign against the BNP, regardless of the BNP’s olive branch to their community. 

You see we must face facts, all alien communities oppose nationalism, so it is in our interest to recognise this fact this is not to say we must hate others but merely to recognise and actively oppose their opposition. They will not do so, they will not now dare to oppose, so set are they upon a course, yet truth is truth and history, whether current or previous bears it out, the least now we can expect is their acknowledgement that the press is against them , even if they will never now, state as to why. 

Given the huge attack upon the BNP is it any wonder that they wish to present a new image, wish to alter their perception in the public eye, certainly it is a lose, lose situation, should they do as they have been, they are secretive and duplicitous, should they choose not to they are thugs, knuckle draggers and Neanderthals, so what can they do. I believe that image is important, that the public respond to their own image, that is to say anyone is welcome; in practice this means that the skinhead as indeed the businessman is welcomed equally.

Smearing and disparaging others on the right gains only orthodoxy, aids only the state and should I feel be avoided, although fair criticism notwithstanding, there is of course a vast divide between fair criticism and downright disparagement, so new years pronouncements, must be joyous rather than deliberately provoking and divisive. Also and most notably those of alien stock must not gain membership, let alone stand for the party, moreover, the endorsement of miscegenation one observed in party literature, was I feel a step too far. 

Great Britain or more to the point Europe is dying, attacked on all sides by many enemies, not all of which attend a mosque or read the Qur'an, it can be said that thee greatest threat to Europe is on a genetical level, that is to say the threat is racial. Again although there have been moves, this threat is not addressed, not contested and we moved towards extinction, the BNP must if it is to win address this issue. So forget the press, it is dying, replaced by the internet, so we must look to that, they will of course close down this avenue of freedom, they have to, for they do not like the truth being told, do not like a peoples media and so they seek to destroy it. 

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