Children of broken Britain among least happy in Europe

23:59 by Editor · 1 Post a comment on AAWR

Children in the UK are among the least wealthy and least happy in Europe, research suggests.

An analysis of lifestyle factors that contribute to their well-being puts British youngsters 24th out of 29 nations - below Estonia, Slovenia and Hungary.

Underage sex, smoking, drinking and drug abuse all play a part in lowering the quality of life for British children.

High numbers of NEETS - 16 to 18-year-olds not in employment, education or training - typified the problem, it was found.

All the wealthy countries of Europe were placed ahead of Britain by the research that looked at health, family relationships, poverty and joblessness among parents.

Crime levels and pollution also contributed to the low standard of living for youngsters in the UK.

The research carried out at the University of York for the Child Poverty Action Group, echoed a report two years ago from UNICEF that put British children at the wrong end of a list of the 21 most advanced countries.

That report cited family breakdown, drink, drugs, teenage sex and fear of violence as the issues confronting teenagers.

The new table has used 43 measures taken across Europe in 2006 to produce a ranking based on seven classes of well-being.

It put only Romania, Bulgaria, Latvia and Lithuania - four former communist countries - and Malta below Britain for their treatment of children.

The Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG), which is heavily dependent on financial backing from Government departments, called for more state spending on benefits and tax credits.

It dismissed the idea that the rise of single parenthood and the spread of family break-up have harmed children.

But among the factors in the low score for Britain it listed poor family relationships, which is measured on whether children talk to their fathers and mothers.

Other key factors such as sex before the age of 15, drug abuse and large numbers of workless parents are also influenced by single parenthood and broken families.

Rates of teenage sex, cannabis use among early teens, and underage smoking and drinking in the UK have long been among the worst in Europe.

CPAG chief Kate Green said: 'The last time a child well-being league table was published, British people were shocked that the UK came last.

'This time we need a frank focus on why other countries are doing so much better for their children. Public resolve and political action to put children first are more important than another round of hand-wringing.'

She blamed child poverty for many of the difficulties faced by children.

Britain was marked down for child health, including infant mortality and low birth weight - both most marked among teenage and single mothers. The UK was also found to be poor at immunisation.

The research revealed that children in Britain believe themselves to be in worse health than others in Europe.

Two years ago the UNICEF inquiry found that despite Britain being fourth wealthiest nation in the world, children were better off and better cared-for in less prosperous countries, such as Greece and Hungary.continues here

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1 Responses to "Children of broken Britain among least happy in Europe"
Reverse Cell Phones said...
21 April 2009 at 04:49

Sad statistics. If you agree with the measurements then the people of Britain need to clean up the morals taught to their kids.

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