Can You Hear

21:45 by Editor · 0 Post a comment on AAWR

I suppose it’s really my own fault, what with events away from cyber-world this weblog is infrequently updated, I find I have less and less time to update it, hence its lamentable readership. Sometimes in my everyday life I have an explosion, a colossal shift in my internal cosmos, my head rushes like a swollen river, as a never ending armada of ideas sails forth and then in a short time they are gone, lost perhaps forever, never to be read and remembered by none, least of all myself. Perhaps the subject matter was of no import, perhaps it is no injustice that, they float now in an ignored universe, at other times I succumb to the “what’s the point syndrome”, to the “will it make a difference syndrome”, it is then that despondency ravages, breaking through all defence, to achieve its victory.

I look at this world and see so much that is wrong, so much that could with effort be put right, in my own country I bear witness to the beginning of the end, at least for white western civilisation, “must I say that now”, as the thought police stalk so freely in my land, henchmen of the dark state. Am I allowed now to consider the west the home of the white man, or does this make of me a hater, should I hide away, shut myself off from the world, like some afflicted creature or a hermit avoiding the eyes of man. Surely though my ideas are hated, despised, I and others like me are hunted in this world, enemies surround us and freedom exists nowhere, all are spies, our neighbours, our workmates, our friends and yes even our family, we are besieged. Our ideas run as foxes before the hunt, darting here and there seeking the freedom that others have, of course we will never see such freedom, never see an era of truth, freedom and a return to what once we were. We change even as I write, even as I breath, each second brings with it our undoing and it is this change that, creates a sea of despondency upon which my soul sails, I see it around me daily, as our society fragments, dies, rots, withers on an evil vine.

Some things are as plain as the nose on your face, as palpable as the sun other things slither beneath the surface, a monstrous evil, just out of sight of most, perceived but by a few, sometimes a slow imperceptible poison has more effect than the dagger, stealth with purpose is a great weapon, killing without causing a ripple, just striking the victim unawares and its over. To kill a nation, is not so very different, not so unalike, stealth and poison now is the trick, not armies upon the horizon, overt invasion bonds the besieged nation, whilst stealth , treachery and poison hold out the chance of victory. For so long now, our nations have drank of the poisoned chalice, gorged ourselves upon a poison of extreme potency and we are dying, slowly, incrementally but we are dying. Parts of our nations body realise we are dying, as does the murderer but the bulk remains unaware, it continues drinking a terrible brew, whilst slowly through each generation, the poison does its trick.

So many people ask me “what must we do”, what is the solution” and of course the old favourite, “how can we wake the people up, as if magician-like, I could pluck the answer from the air, present it to my audience and all is well. What can we do, knowledge can be a curse, it is our duty to witness, to do as so many of us have done down through the years, state our case, perhaps turn another from their detrimental path and await history’s hand. What else can we do, I question this, the "nation is asleep" analogy, perhaps the nation has merely grown selfish, individualistic, to the point where neighbours are neighbours no longer, merely fellow competitors and the plight of those to come raises no concern. Perhaps toys keep children happy and trinkets bedazzle, the very word selfishness begins with self and regrettably it ends there.

Generations still living can remember when people, “made do” when items were repaired rather than discarded, when neighbour helped neighbour, instead of high fences and security there was a community, we have quite simply lost that, at least most of us have, there are I am sure, remote places that may be lucky enough to still have community but even there poison makes inroads. Some argue that we have brought our end upon ourselves, that in a way we deserve it, others that there is a grand design, intricately woven by others, I argue both, that each viewpoint is equally valid, that between the two lies the truth. Currently there is no known cure for this poison, no antidote, it infects and kills that is all, I of course as above, argue that there is a cure, that each of us wield an unstoppable weapon, that we are but a part of this weapon and that there is no force, be it political, religious, or any other, that can stand against it, should the people rise, should they turn as one against their enemy then triumph is the only consequence.

It is for this reason that a slow poison is used, an unnoticeable malignancy injects itself perpetually into our nation, corrupting all it meets, so as nationalists we cannot fool ourselves, our battle may not be won in our lifetime, it may in fact never be won however, it must be fought, we cannot, must not, let them have it easy, let them kill us off without a voice of protest and that is all we are. For all our talk, our rhetoric, we are but a small voice, un-listened to, yet some-one out there may just discern us, may turn their head away from the lying press or the corrupting television, should they do so our voice becomes stronger, louder.

You see there is another way, a better way we could solve so much should we choose to, if we would but follow natures way rather than invent corruption but man is an arrogant beast, he is right and the truth of ages is wrong. Now here in my poor country, the unborn has no safety the womb offers no protection, at a time chosen by a selfish mother, a foetus may feel an immense pull, an agonising breakage may occur, as like so much trash he or she is hovered up, disposed of god knows where and all continues as before. Except a life just beginning, begins no more, man overrides nature and potential lies somewhere, a jellylike mass of dead cells, no smile now, no joy, just death, if the selfish can so readily kill its unborn, if new life is but an inconvenience, then surely protection of our nation and way of life is as nothing.

Such a horror as they murder the innocent, yet they plan greater evils chimeras are to be created, monsters from childhood nightmares are to be made flesh, again not by nature but by the corrupting hand of man, we taint everything we touch, poison goodness, turn life to ash and remain unconcerned. Yet how do we know, of all those killed in that real holocaust, those endless innocent slain, one among them may have found a cure for cancer, invented a non-detrimental fuel for engines and industry, the potential boggles the mind, yet they are gone now, victims in this age of selfishness. What if these chimeras obtain life, grasp it, hold on or perhaps cross mutation produces yet another incurable disease, what if in our abject selfishness we destroy all. Would it matter, I think as we all go about our business, unconcerned for the group that no it doesn’t matter, except to the few, those little voices, raised in alarm and so yes I may write infrequently, I may succumb to despondency, I may stand sometimes awestruck by mans selfishness and lack of care but I am a voice and occasionally you may hear it. 14

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