The Scientist

11:23 by Editor · 0 Post a comment on AAWR

So there we have it, the BNP after all their efforts have managed to get one Richard Barnbrook elected to the London Assembly, for a purported ex-lecturer his inauguration speech has attracted some considerable criticism, in most cases concerning delivery and his supposed slight inebriation, for independent nationalists however our criticism stems from other concerns. Of course image is everything and it is to be expected that Mr Barnbrook or indeed any newly elected politician, has no other choice but to abide by the rules however, there are ways and means contrast Derek Beacon’s 1993 speech “The British people have had enough, we’re going to take our country back." To Mr Barnbrook saying that he would “stand up for all Londoners regardless of colour or identity as long as you play part within the identity of this great city". This is bad enough however, during his campaign Mr Barnbrook had this to say to the BBC he said, he wanted to give the "real people of London" the indigenous population first, and the post-war immigrants who came over to rebuild Britain, such as Caribbean’s who arrived on the Empire Windrush, second a voice.

Yes you read that right a purported nationalist politician saying that post war migrants had come here to rebuild Britain, not to scrounge, steal and degrade but to rebuild. It would seem that, non-whites are not to now be contested only Islam, which begs the question who’s standing up for whites; certainly it isn’t the British National Party, whose website has been lauded as the most pro-Zionist on the web. This a party that has vilified correct nationalism and almost proscribed the fourteen words, an individual with the moniker “Green Arrow” has since inclusion upon the BNP main website, now dropped the quote from the banner of his weblog. A web forum known to most nationalists Stormfront, has seen persistent attacks upon advocates of true nationalism from pro-populist BNP types, it would seem that there has been a conscious effort to eradicate traditional nationalism, in order to replace it with a more state friendly version markedly so, since the lamented and may I say suspicious demise of John Tyndall. Of course it could be that Mr Barnbrook is so pro-negro in order to prevent family conflict, could we see in years to come a pro-oriental attitude, given his own personal circumstances, pertaining to the happy to race mix and wave the flag Simone Clarke, it would be interesting to hear comment from Yat-Sen Chang, Miss Clarke’s erstwhile partner, concerning his opinion of this union and of his daughters soon to be Stepfather.

Here we have a putatively nationalist politician, opening his arms to non-whites, so long as they do not profess the Mohammedan faith, that’s okay then, we can slowly turn brown whilst still retaining our Christian values. I ask the reader is this nationalism, can we expect salvation whilst embracing the great evil of multiculturalism, is it not the case that, any non-white within our homelands presents the same threat, regardless of religious affiliation, is it not therefore the greatest betrayal of all, for a supposed nationalist party to embrace all comers, whilst ignoring the plight of the indigenous population, yes they played lip service to us, by stating that we must come first, how though is this to be achieved. Do they intend to put us first up to and until non-whites outbreed us, in order to obtain extra votes and therefore extended political office, is this not the behaviour of all the other political parties leeching off the body politic. We can say with some certainty that the BNP commit a great evil, they offer false freedom whilst helping maintain the status quo, this is no drunken lurch in the quest for ideas this is a conscious, motivated, resource driven about face, a change of direction of such magnitude, as to be beyond comprehension.

Nationalism is the last chance of a people, it is a naturally occurring instinct in even the lowest of animals, most will fight for territory or group, some of course more than others, the human species is up there with the best of them, we are spectacularly group driven and as with other social animals we establish territory. In establishing territory we learn to guard it from other predators, be they resource predators such as migrants or violent predators such as an invading army however, it is possible with a group driven species to alter perception, shift group scope incrementally over a given time, this of course is merely propaganda fed slowly. In times of war or necessity propaganda can be speeded up, one can see this immediately with the prevailing anti-Islamic sentiment, propagated by the owned media, in order to allow ambitions in the East to be fully realised. In a far more profound way, one can see the slow steady infusion effect at work concerning group attitude to mass non-white migration, this steady change of attitude has not come about naturally but by methodical and devised calculation. As with any experiment there comes a tipping point, a point when all the preparation, evaluation and experimentation may explode, resulting in unwanted consequence, so to with this multiracial experiment.

One must have safeguards in place that alter per generation, for instance 70’s society would not by any margin accept ethnic behaviours seen today, likewise 50’s society would not accept behaviours seen in 70’s society. So the social scientist, is able to introduce ever more restrictive laws pertaining to speech, behaviour and social interaction, merely because each successive generation is a little more malleable, more easily managed however, the human being is unlike the lab rat or even the monkey, in that their rage against injustice can be intellectually driven, giving the very real prospect of thwarting the scientist, rather than merely throwing themselves impotently at the bars. So there must be safeguards, anger channels if you will, diversions enabling humankind to rail against socially engineered falsehoods whilst the experiment goes on a pace, The British National Party are just such a diversion. How often now we hear “those black’s are okay, it’s just those Muslim’s” , the BNP are now championing this created perception, in one or two generations the scientists work will be completed, do we thwart the scientist or delight him in responding according to experimental projection.

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