So its happened, the British National Party have had their Red, White and Blue, the world can breathe a collective sigh of relief and go back to watching supposed democracy, terrorise, enslave and bully weaker nations. We can concern ourselves with the important things in life, soap-operas, negro music and self-gratification, thank god those terrible fascists were opposed, all hail George Bush, as he seeks to bring democracy to all, creating in the process, the much prophesised new world order. I mean, what right have others to resist, democracy is a good thing, diversity an experience of wonder, though the land grabs carried out under cover of democracy, whilst serving other interests can be somewhat overlooked.

The people of Codnor, will I should imagine, miss those “Anti-fascists”, those working class warriors, those masked super-heroes, defending all from fascist tyranny; thank god the police were there to prevent a fascist revolution, protecting the villagers from face-painted children and exuberant parents. Of course the left called for a mass mobilisation, there was mention of class-warriors from abroad attending, this festival was going to be stopped, so the call went out, if we attack their women and children, it was suggested, that will put people off ever going again. Even for some of the left this suggestion was appalling, the post was pulled from the site in question and the games carried on in earnest, a company in Chesterfield who supply portable toilets, were targeted their premises vandalised and anti-fascists urged to “contact” the company.

Alan Warner, who owns the land where the festival was held, found hypodermic needles at the bottom of his garden and a flag was stolen from his property, later posted back, with anti-BNP slogans and Antifa scrawled on it. Of course Antifa themselves had put out a call to, “smash the RWB”, stating that, “we are determined to do everything we can, to prevent this event taking place” in the event they managed to mobilise approximately 40 Militant anti-fascists, who by all accounts provided some entertainment for RWB attendees. Whilst it must be recognised that leftist thugs failed to stop the BNP’s RWB festival, nothing should detract from the fact that, threats were made towards women and children, business’s attacked and threats of appalling violence made towards festival attendees.
Seemingly the left again show their hand, far from the defenders of liberty they appear to be, they are instead thugs and hoodlums who intend to make society toe their line. It has always been so, first leftists play the humane, friend of the oppressed and defender of the working class hand, then once hegemony is established, they oppresse the people, murdering en-masse. There is but one antidote to leftist terror and it is nationalism, defiant resistance from a united people tied by blood and history, they will try again, if not harder, they have suffered humiliation and the left cannot abide that, for now they have failed and that is enough. 14 "Hemos pasado"
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