"Hemos pasado"

22:31 by Editor · 0 Post a comment on AAWR

Now I’m an independent nationalist, not taken by populism, for this reason I am not a supporter or member of the BNP, saying this, I support wholeheartedly individual members of the BNP, I like many others, merely question direction. Yet I have learned today that a predominantly elderly meeting of BNP supporters was attacked by the far-left, I have had a number of dealings with them over the years and have to say, they have come off decidedly worse, of course I am considered old school, of a different age, yet we brokered no rubbish from ambitious leftists. 

This incident reminds me of another incident some years ago, paradoxically the behaviour of the left at that time, came back to haunt them on many occasions, that incident to involved elderly people. It would seem that again they choose to attack elderly patriots, let us hope should they find themselves confronted by the real right, they don’t find themselves lacking. 

I shall leave you with a leftist account of the event, note the recognition, pertaining to the age of attendees in the article, please remember that the left must and will be confronted and we independent nationalists will do “whatever it takes”. 14

"Hemos pasado"
News reaches us that the re-launch of the East London BNP group got off to a less than successful start today. After what can only be described as a gathering of the Darby and Joan club, the assembled geriatrics met at the Salmon and Ball pub on the corner of Bethnal Green Road. This it turns out was just the re-direction point as it soon became clear that the grey-haired security team we're shepherding the old folk a mere one hundred meters away to a church hall opposite! Well done on the planning there people!

A quick call to the church uncovered that the poor old vicar had no idea his hall was being used by the fascist filth as it had been booked by a 'book club', that old chestnut! The 'Vic' assured the concerned caller that he had spoken to the encamped knuckle draggers and told them that they would have to leave as God was none too happy with their choice of politics. The police arrived soon after and encouraged the somewhat downhearted oldies to leave as they were no longer welcome. They had been inside for little over an hour which we believe would have given them very little time to re-launch their sad little group.

As the gaunt and the grey hoard Shuffled out from the hall in single file the anti fascist gathering (that had by now swelled to twice the size) decided to let the fascists know how welcome they really were. As one group followed the main body of fascists up the road, closely followed by the police, a smaller group went over to have a 'chat' with five or six 'men' still stood outside the hall.

They were told in no uncertain terms that they were not wanted in East London and that they would be hounded at every opportunity. The aryan brothers were strangely quiet and the look on their faces said it all.

All in all a pretty good day for anti-fascists with plenty of photo opportunities and a fascist meeting stopped! The old heads of the East London BNP including the likes of Derek Beacon and Richard Edmonds must tonight be scratching their shiney domes wondering what went wrong. Maybe stick to taking the old folk out to bingo in future eh chaps!

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