Lessons aimed at combating racism

19:26 by Editor · 0 Post a comment on AAWR

Education officials hope a new programme teaching children about the Holocaust will help stamp out racism in schools.

The Think Equal scheme has been designed by The Holocaust Educational Trust (HET) to get teenagers thinking about what lessons can be learned from the World War II atrocities.

The term-long course, aimed at 13 and 14-year-olds, will examine the Nazi's attitudes to equality and human rights alongside racial tensions in today's society.

It will be launched at a dinner event to celebrate the Trust's 20th anniversary, attended by schools minister Ed Balls and Auschwitz survivor Elie Wiesel.

A Trust spokesman explained: "The project reaches disaffected young people from multi-cultural backgrounds and focuses their understanding of the contemporary lessons of the Holocaust.

"Students are given the opportunity to consider their own individual identity, learn about the dangers of stereotyping and reflect on their responsibility as citizens today."

The programme gives students the chance to hear a Holocaust survivor speak about their experiences.

It has been piloted in inner city schools in London, including Tower Hamlets, Newham and Haringey, where teachers say they have seen an improvement in children's playground behaviour. continues here

Is it just me that’s sick of it, sick of the constant use of the holocaust as a weapon, a weapon that cows us, leaves us reeling, whilst it is only our compassion and innate need to belong, that really holds us back, in essence we do not wish to appear hateful. Whilst we duck the assault meted out to us, whilst we cower on the floor, bludgeoned by guilt, the greatest crime ever committed, against a people, takes place, yet we dare not look, dare not take our eye off the weapon, hitting us relentlessly, wielded by expert hands. And so, cowed by this potent weapon, evil creeps in, its dark shadow slithers, covering all, blocking out the sun and blinding all to truth, all fall, all become bonded, stuck in dishonesties sticky goo.

It is a lie you know, all of it, the greatest crimes against humanity, have been carried out in democracies name, not that of National Socialism, not via the jackboot but by pleas for equality, repression of difference and the lie of sameness. Yet you don’t care, I know it, I see you everyday, a selfish swarm, metaphorically stepping on the fingers of others, in your race for material possession and the coveted prize of financial wealth. For most, nationalism is too altruistic, too hard, involves too much, better to let them tell you how to think, what to believe, exist in their artificial world, ignorant or worse yet, uncaring.

They have changed the world you know, leftists; we have to give them that, have to acknowledge the brilliance of their plan, decades of hard work, a vision relentlessly followed, until the triumph in the years before my birth. What a wonderful thing, at least for them, such scheming, such perseverance, such a dazzling display of crafty craftsmanship, they have us now, all of this is merely icing on a cake. To shake of the vicelike grip now, is a task indeed, taking many brave souls and some lifetimes, to forestall this they now must change us, they must make us anew, willing victims of enslavement.

Better the end of white skin and the rise of brown, better for the unfortunate races, the luxury of western enslavement than the woe of the dark continent, here they live to serve, there they die to give, so they come, a flood of fools, greed governs their step, anger clouds their view and need speeds them. Oh the left welcome them, this ravaged army, this tide of woe, this wave of souls, consumed by envy, steeled by anger and programmed to take. Yet where are they, those that would oppose this army’s tread, that would block the pass and sound the call to arms.

There is nothing, nothing to oppose them now, merely words, words simply the dying vibrations of a culture and race, we must not you see, we must not rise to the challenge, we must not contest our end, just wallow in possessions, whilst death steals in to claim us and not a one of those left to witness, will mourn our passing, the world will still turn, finance will still enslave and evil still hold hegemony, except it will be a brown world, a world devoid of the hated white.

Battles will still rage and animosities fester, hostilities between the haves and have nots and yes difference will still rear its head, the constant and undying battle between the dissimilar, light skin versus black, ideology against ideology, creed against creed, east versus west and so on and the white man, cold in the grave. No trusts for us, no enforced education for them, no study, just the grave and an end to our like, will there be guilt, will non-white minds ponder, will what ifs abound, will any weep for us.

We are gone you see, disappeared, existing now in paintings, imagery and books, if they are allowed, permitted, perhaps a dusky child’s voice, will ask one day, why, perhaps not, you see it is easy to alter the thinking processes of a child’s mind, corrupt it, until abnormal becomes everyday. It is easy to fend of the questions of children, harder however, to counter those of an adult, corrupt the young therefore and deny a platform for the mature, a workable solution, catering for all, with victory a certainty.

In impressionable minds, minds that should be full of wonder, full of magic, full of joy, violence affects, death holds horror and reason has no set foundation, tell the child, that the way they think, the way their friends think, the way their family thinks, their community and finally their people thinks, is wrong, evil and abhorrent, add a pinch of violence, mix with death dosed with cruelty and the child has changed or in most cases has, until all generations are pliable.

We see it now, as young teenagers barely children, stride through our towns and cities, pushing children of mixed genotype, we must say not a word, utter not one word of caution, for it is racist they tell us, we must see the phenomenon grow, until so many indulge in miscegenation, that doom is our only future, death our races release. It is all to counter nationalism, in fact more than even this, it is all to thwart nature, to, as man is want to do, change things to suit his needs, whilst ignoring peripheral suffering or detrimental change.

I am sick of it, as mentioned before, Jewry’s plight, Jewry’s woe, what of my people, here, now and in the future, you have your land now, your cherished Israel, stolen land maybe, taken, robbed from its true inhabitants but by skulduggery, violence and terror you have made it your own, can we not now have ours. We have not stolen our land, it is ours by birth and by the toil of our ancestors, what right have you to poison our children against us, to corrupt them, to use the deaths of individuals to prop up your reprehensible scheme.

Moreover, where is the clarity, why no discussion about the holocaust, of all events, why this one, if we cannot discuss it, cannot bandy figures and expose irregularity, then you have no right to use it, no right to scare our children into line. Yet we know the reason, it is not justice for the dead, not a lament for the fallen, it is to prevent resistance, prevent our little ones from countering their genocide. For all the films and there have been many, conjuring up the imagery of psychopathic sadistic Europeans and suffering Jewish victims, nothing shown even nearly, depicts the true evil, abroad in the world today, the intentional and planned genocide of the white race.

If as alleged, you are victims, then you should acknowledge our plight, not stand in our way, as we fight for our very existence, yet the opposite is true, Jewry stands firmly in our way, blocking each and every attempt made, by the assailed white race, to ensure our continuance, this I am afraid, is merely one of many, in a long line of assaults, against us. 14

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