Middle classes leading the flight as 250,000 quit London

14:17 by Editor · 0 Post a comment on AAWR

Nearly a quarter of a million London residents quit the city last year.

Another 200,000 left the increasingly packed and polluted South-East for lives in quieter parts of the country.

The exodus is powerful evidence of the phenomenon known in Whitehall as 'churn' - found in parts of the country where there has been both high immigration and high numbers leaving.

It has also been labelled 'white flight' after the desertion of American cities in the 1950s and 60s by whites heading for racially-segregated suburbs.

In Britain, the flight involves middle-class families of all ethnic backgrounds who are thought to be turning their backs on poor schools, poor transport, and high crime rates in major cities.

The figures, published by the ONS, found that 81,000 more people left the capital last year than arrived to live there.

However, the count of those moving in and out is based on NHS statistics for those registering for health care and with GPs and may underestimate true numbers of migrants arriving from abroad.

Many of those leaving headed towards the South-West, long a destination region for the retired, where the population grew by 28,600 over the year.

London has seen larger numbers of people leaving than new arrivals since 2001 - according to the official count. The rate of departure has held steady since 2005. continues here

Well would you live there, amongst it all, if you had the choice, of course, this should tell those in power quite strongly, the real views of whites and given that they are supposed to represent us, they should act on that, will they, I think you know the answer. Whites will keep on running, until there is no-where left to run to by then it will be too late, perhaps it is already, remember these whites are running from their capitol city, not just any city. Isn’t it time now to try nationalism, to give us just ten years of your time, ten years to turn things around, contest evil and return us to a natural state, or will you keep on relentlessly running both physically and metaphorically from the truth, the races were never meant to mix. 14

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