Not in the public interest

11:28 by Editor · 0 Post a comment on AAWR

I have no love for the Tories, in fact their policies, have led in large part to our current predicament, one need only look back to Thatcher’s, “New Commonwealth immigrants ''swamping" Britain speech given in 1979 to understand the damage done. Her, “So, if you want good race relations, you have got to allay peoples' fears on numbers”, being rather telling, of course, history is history and she went on to become our first female prime-minister, winning a 44-seat majority in the House of Commons. 

Her apparent support for a restrictive immigration policy, led to the conservative party pulling ahead in the polls, it helped of course having a well run PR campaign, of note the "Labour isn't working" poster campaign, devised by Saatchi & Saatchi, founded by Iraqi Jews Maurice and Charles. Now of course most political parties, rely upon professional “snake oil” salesmen to sell their nonsense to the masses, a phenomenon now know as spin, yet such hoodwinking has occurred habitually in political life, for much of our nations history. 

Certainly, the alleged desire to combat cultural change within this country, assured the Tories victory, coupled with this of course, high unemployment, the refusal to grant pay rises for a number of years, by Callaghan’s government and the use of the left to undermine, all conspired to win the victory. Unquestionably though in my mind, it was immigration that pulled the Tories into office and why not, in the eyes of the electorate the party offered change, a chance to at least stem immigration and at least maintain a semblance, of the Britain of old and haven’t the Tories always played upon the plastic patriotism of middle England. 

In the late seventies the numbers arriving numbered in the region of 45,000 to 50,000 people a year, now we find, its twelve times the number that entered during the entire seventies, so we can see that immigration control has utterly failed, in fact the present government, has no real figures on the actual number, so it would indeed be impossible to create policy, whether such policy be in favour of or in opposition. 

Figures suggest, that in the years nineteen ninety seven to two thousand and four, immigration accounted for nearly three quarters of our population growth, some 71%, frightening figures, yet add to it illegal entrants, ascension states and the figures may prove more alarming still. Yet politically we reached the Rubicon some time ago, now for a mainstream political party, it would prove suicidal to espouse, even the deceptive rhetoric of Margaret Thatcher, our demographic landscape having changed so much. 

Yet for all that ,the Tories do, even if only for self interest, highlight issues, the same can be said of the purported rightwing press, ever ready to point out issues yet unwilling to support solutions, both merely undermining society in their own mischievous way, in this regard they are merely a mirror of the left. Ironically as in the seventies, events are starkly similar, a looming recession, financial instability, immigration concerns, crime, unemployment soaring, so it will come as no surprise that our benevolent societal puppeteers are manoeuvring the Tories to take over public office. 

Yet as often times before, it is merely a re-branding rather than real change, politics being akin to musical-chairs, of course it is those who play the tune, that hold the real power. However, to learn today, that a shadow minister of government has been arrested, held in detention for some nine hours and had his home and offices searched, underlines to me, the growing spectre of the Dark State, dramatic as that description sounds, it is at least for me, apt. a Dark State is a regime, that holds onto power, against the wishes and interests of its people, further, such an entity adopts policies and develops legalisation contrary to the peoples interest, it begins to see itself as a body distinct from the people, an identity in its own right. 

Of course, once it develops such a notion, it acts primarily in its own interest and therefore not in the interests of the people, we now live in such times, for Mr Green, arrested for making public information not wished to be in the public domain, I can only have sympathy, yet in saying this, it is of no surprise, nationalists have lived under such repression almost perpetually, It must be realised, that this is not the only political detention undertaken by the dark State of late and will not I assure you not be the last. 14

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    Damian Green

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