“Small populations which are isolated can evolve at random as genes are accidentally lost. World-wide, all populations are becoming connected and the opportunity for random change is dwindling. History is made in bed, but nowadays the beds are getting closer together. We are mixing into a glo-bal mass, and the future is brown.”

Human evolution is grinding to a halt because of a shortage of older fathers in the West, according to a leading genetics expert.
Fathers over the age of 35 are more likely to pass on mutations, according to Professor Steve Jones, of University College London.
Speaking today at a UCL lecture entitled “Human evolution is over” Professor Jones will argue that there were three components to evolution – natural selection, mutation and random change. “Quite unexpectedly, we have dropped the human mutation rate because of a change in reproductive patterns,” Professor Jones told The Times.
“Human social change often changes our genetic future,” he said, citing marriage patterns and contraception as examples. Although chemicals and radioactive pollution could alter genetics, one of the most important mutation triggers is advanced age in men.
This is because cell divisions in males increase with age. “Every time there is a cell division, there is a chance of a mistake, a mutation, an error,” he said. “For a 29-year old father [the mean age of reproduction in the West] there are around 300 divisions between the sperm that made him and the one he passes on – each one with an opportunity to make mistakes.
“For a 50-year-old father, the figure is well over a thousand. A drop in the number of older fathers will thus have a major effect on the rate of mutation.”
Professor Jones added: “In the old days, you would find one powerful man having hundreds of children.” He cites the fecund Moulay Ismail of Morocco, who died in the 18th century, and is reputed to have fathered 888 children. To achieve this feat, Ismail is thought to have copulated with an average of about 1.2 women a day over 60 years.
Another factor is the weakening of natural selection. “In ancient times half our children would have died by the age of 20. Now, in the Western world, 98 per cent of them are surviving to 21.”
Decreasing randomness is another contributing factor. “Humans are 10,000 times more common than we should be, according to the rules of the animal kingdom, and we have agriculture to thank for that. Without farming, the world population would probably have reached half a million by now – about the size of the population of Glasgow. continues here
Sometimes I despair; sometimes I really can’t believe I live in such times, an age in which the rights of all others supersede that of my genotype, I have not the right to wish continuance ,should I, I am a hater, a bigot and a multitude of other names they endeavour to call me. Of course I don’t mind, its water of a ducks back, I embrace their hatred and throw it back at them, you see, I have more on my mind, more to occupy my time, than the rants of leftists.
Although I ignore them, I also despise them, loathe them, these happy killers, these crazed murders, serial killers extraordinaire, I believe I am predisposed to counter the left, genetically driven to combat them and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Yet it seems there are few though, few of us that can see through the murky waters, peer through the fog and discern truth, most seem dizzy with nonsense, bedazzled by prevaricators and busy with folly.
I stagger stunned by the realisation, that it is our time to die, we all die, for myself I do not embrace it, I do not rush for my meeting with death, yearn to feel his icy touch on my shoulder, race to cross the river, chatting aimlessly with Charon, as he takes me from those I love. Strangely the notion of death hurts, not because I am gone but for the sadness it may cause others, perhaps I am but a fool and none shall mourn my passing.
I like to believe differently, to believe that in leaving this world, at least one heart shall pine, one soul treasure memories and one mouth, flicker into a smile over times once had. We are all famous to those we love, some of us are lucky and memory of us lasts three generations, so that those that can never know us know of us, we all live forever of course, although our consciousness is no-more, we merely lend a part of ourselves to those to come, the shape of a nose, the chin, a laugh, perhaps intelligence and yes, even an illness we may pass on but pass it on we do.
Death is cruel yet life is sometimes crueller, poverty, illness any number of events, may all conspire to make of death reward, rather than a thing of dread, some go to rest with a smile others fight the event, yet we all cross the river, all of us pay the ferryman. We recoil from unfairness, the taking of a life, the murder of another, yet we are attracted to death we crane our necks at accident scenes, devour every word of macabre news-stories, fascinated, excited, scared and repulsed.
Sex sells and death sells and such will forever be the case, mankind is disposed to fight death, to contest it at every stage and we have done well, we are able to offer hope of life, where once there was none, cure ailments once mortal and ease pain, we also kill the innocent en-masse, slaughter infants, take life from the voiceless. Mankind is now a god, an un-clever god but a god nonetheless; we have complete dominion over our world to the detriment of all other animals, to the disadvantage of nature itself.
So we create death for the unborn, yet prolong life for the ill, we take from this earth yet never give, we are a malevolent Midas contaminating all we touch, most of us have no say in the workings of this world, we must place our trust in supposed better minds, we give office to representatives in hopes they cater to our need. They offer us democracy, this fable, this belief that the wishes of all can be carried through, yet sense would tell us, this can never be so, the ideas of one may be contradictory to another.
You believe it though and they, those chosen to represent you stab you in the back, they seal your fate, or that of our descendents, “the future is brown”, think about that for a minute, let it bounce around in your head, brown, now look at your children, or if none, children in your family or that of your neighbour, that is what they wish to kill off, is what by there actions they are killing off.
Yet I am the hater, I am the bigot, I am the one to be opposed, this evil scheme, these actions taken, by those who know their consequence, they know, they know the end result, no white people, no you or me. What right have they, to knowingly slaughter us, to genetically alter us in the name of their creed, have we not the right to exist, to reside upon this earth, to enjoy life, to raise our children and live in freedom?
Must they continue with this scheme unopposed, will no-one stand, no-one take up arms against true tyranny, in the history of our race, our culture we have never been so threatened, so attacked yet we let them carry through their scheme, conclude their malignant plan. We are not to survive it, this plan of theirs, this jaunt through madness, perhaps they will store our essence, our DNA, just in case, perhaps.
Yet for many this is politics, one ideology against another, a race to office that is all, for me it is a matter of survival, I don’t want them to turn us all the same, I want my children, my descendents to be the same as me, I want western civilisation to continue, I want in the final analyse, for them to simply leave us alone, let us live in peace, each in their own milieu.
Yet they give us no peace, we ask them, we tell them to stop, "no-more", we cry, in the fifties the dockers, in the seventies and eighties the front, the nineties the BNP and now we white nationalists, still they will not listen. Now though they prepare, their cameras, their surveillance, their supra-national rapid reaction force, we are almost in lockdown.
Perhaps then, regretfully, we must go out as white-men always have, surrounded, hard pressed but with pride, I can see no other way and they will surely kill us on the streets, slaughter us, should we stand against them. Of course, they must convince their forces that we are evil, that we stand against “democracy”, so perhaps white-men would not fire upon their own, yet in this age who can know.
For them it is a waiting game, breed us out of existence is the plan, or crush us should we resist, again many may die to fight leftist evil, there is a way, a chance, if we take it now, if we finally revolt throw them from office and begin again to clean up their mess. Nationalism now will not sanction it, will not countenance it, the removal of non-whites of all description and the protection of the west, for them we must agree terms, we must go softly, expect to have a non-white community in the after. Such stupidity, such an absurd notion 492 entered on the Empire Windrush, look at us now, look, open your eyes, “the future is brown”. 14
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