It’s a great initiative, an idea for a much needed project, to bring home the real impact, of the endemic wave of murder perpetrated against indigenous whites, presented in this format, it is quite easy even at this early stage, to detect cluster areas and correlate them with major non-indigenous populations. Coupled with the Fallen list, the BNPs,“Racism Cuts Both Ways" initiative and website highlighting, as seen on perhaps the best UK nationalist site on the net, iamanenglishman, it is easy to see, that just as information on a list is impossible to keep out of the public domain, so to with other types of information.
Certainly, BNP members did not want their personal details illegally published, however, I am quite sure, that information on endemic anti-white attacks, can be correctly tagged “in the public interest”, rather than state sanctioned or condoned domestic terrorism. In light of this, I invite nationalists to use the facility offered in hopes of awakening our people to their danger, our government has and is failing in their duty of care. Patriots face arrest or public exposure, leading to threats, possible attack and a loss of livelihood, yet the true information that should be presented is never highlighted, realising this nationalists endeavour to present the truth in whichever way is most applicable, I commend this initiative. 14
Certainly, BNP members did not want their personal details illegally published, however, I am quite sure, that information on endemic anti-white attacks, can be correctly tagged “in the public interest”, rather than state sanctioned or condoned domestic terrorism. In light of this, I invite nationalists to use the facility offered in hopes of awakening our people to their danger, our government has and is failing in their duty of care. Patriots face arrest or public exposure, leading to threats, possible attack and a loss of livelihood, yet the true information that should be presented is never highlighted, realising this nationalists endeavour to present the truth in whichever way is most applicable, I commend this initiative. 14
View the Incidence Map project here or click image below

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