Shining Star

15:40 by Editor · 0 Post a comment on AAWR

Usually I have no time for the press, no time for those that would willingly aid in the downfall of our country and way of life, it is certainly true that the owned press are culpable as to our dilemma. Yet today, a newspaper has chosen for once, for a change, to highlight threats made towards rightist individuals, their homes and indeed their families, this site itself has highlighted the situation here and I have made myself clear concerning my own views, here. Nothing changes of course, should I find either myself or my family under attack, then I shall rely wholly upon myself, I would of course like to rely upon the police, those tasked to uphold the rule of law, yet in these times, I fear that many officers hold what can only be considered a biased attitude towards those on the right. 

It is quite strange, given that the right, more than any other section within politics, support the role of both the police and judiciary, so it is doubly hard therefore, to watch as the police and indeed law enforcement as a whole, turn into a shadow of its former self, content now to let tyranny prevail. That said, even now, I cannot turn my back upon the ordinary men and women within law enforcement, who daily risk life and limb in the peoples defence. Yet for all my quite natural support for the rule of law, I know that I and indeed many individuals, must in the final analysis, rely upon ourselves for our own defence, more especially in these times. 

I witness at certain times the leftist mobs as they attack police officers, not because said police-officers have treated them wrongly but because of what they are and what they represent. Yearly I am sickened by so-called workers protests, held it is said to celebrate both the role of the workers and that of the unions, yet the unions represent anti-worker interests, whilst those that rally to the red flag on may 1st, do so purely to attack the state, to try and topple the social order. In many incidences, those “protesting” (sic) do not toil as others, preferring instead to live off the backs of those they would oppose. 

It can confidently be said; that the reason serving police-officers, connected civilian workers and now Police Community Support Officers, cannot join rightist parties is because traditionally, those on the front line support us, identifying with our aims and recognising the truth of our policies. Moreover, in diluting the police service, it is thought that such a support base can be eradicated, it is for this reason therefore, that the police service now present a problem, one has only to look at the over zealous actions deployed against rightist groups and/or individuals to see the truth of it. 

The Countryside Alliance received far greater, shall we say, police interest than radical Muslims calling for war, so we have bore witness, to the greatest purging of traditionalist thinking within the police force, ever seen. For those reasons the police force as a body, can be considered anti-patriotic, although this is not the case individually, for like the general public, they will support en-masse should the right triumph against current evil. Certainly though now they are tools of repression, as evidenced in the Weoley Castle case or more recently in Liverpool, we still for now hold the armed forces although a purge is ongoing, yet haven’t we always held mass support within the forces, many coming as they do from similar circumstance, should the forces yield, then we are undone. 

Of cause the attack upon the forces of law and order, be they police officers, prison officers or indeed the armed forces, is but a temporary measure, given that the true aim is to create a European multi-task force agency, to benignly govern us. I believe that current repression will in comparison, appear very mild, when contrasted with what is to come. Aswell there is an ongoing assault upon the civil service, another bastion of rightist thinking, I fear it is no longer, most having be driven out, retired or replaced, that of course is the aim of it all replacement, replacement of social structure, leading inevitably to the replacement of genotype.  

In this article I have endeavoured in a simple way, to highlight exactly why, we cannot expect much sympathy let alone support, from law enforcement personnel within this country, in fact due to purging, conditioning and indeed replacement it may be the case, that many officers hold a bias towards rightists and may unconsciously believe we deserve all we get. Due to these many factors, the highlighting of what can only be regarded as, incitement to murder can only be considered fortuitous, primarily because once such incitement is in the public domain, police officers, the judiciary and indeed the state, will be forced to act responsibly. 

So I must take my hat off to the Daily Star, they with this article have shown, even in this reprehensible age, parity and adherence to civic responsibility, placing truth before the public, for this they must be commended. The article in question I shall copy and paste below, although to adhere with copyright regulation, I cannot paste the entire article however, I shall also create a png or jpeg for reference, thank you Daily Star, you may have saved lives, prevented injury or at the very least property damage. At least I hope it is that, rather than merely a part of the ongoing campaign, to frighten potential supporters away from rightist parties, call me cynical but one never knows.

For the left looking in (and I know you do), I have this to say, you will not stop us, you will not cow us by threats, you will not triumph until the final nationalist breaths their last, as long as even one nationalist lives to tell the truth you have failed. Yours is a reprehensible ideology, set as it is, upon the bodies of two hundred million people and the misery, torture and maiming of millions more, personally I will contest you until the end and I would hope I am not alone, if I am so be it. I have received many calls now, many brave souls mouthing their threats from a safe position, in the main it has no effect, bar frightening my young son, who inadvertently picked up the phone. 

Yet it serves only to strengthen me, to spur me on in my fight against evil, you know I wouldn’t do it, sink to the level of an animal no not even an animal, for animals would not act in such a way. I suppose just the tag, “the left” is enough it is self-explanatory. What will you do when you’ve killed us off, when you have your mono-coffee-coloured world, will you then set about non-whites, until they to face extinction, what then, or is your aim just white extinction and enslavement for all others. Between the two evils capitalism and communism does man have chance, can man ever hope again to live in freedom, in their natural milieu, amongst their own, contented, happy, working with nature instead of against it. 

I believe that countering the left is the duty of all, all men of all colours, all creeds, fighting against your toxicity, it is you that have created evil in this world, with your lies, your intellectual and cultural pogrom against the west. You that by your very actions, cause strife between the races, how can you expect peace between cultures and peoples so dissimilar, yet you force such peoples to live within the same territorial space. Force man to go against himself, then of those that would oppose you, you lie, you create a bogeyman wholly distinct from reality, frightening all and ushering in chaos.  

Yet perhaps now many will see you for what you are, many will question how it is, that individuals who have merely joined a political party can be threatened with death and personal destruction. How it is, that in a land they thought free, individuals fear for livelihoods and the safety of their families, perhaps then they will recognise you for the scum you are and take action against you, we can for all our sakes only hope. 14

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