We back Israel 100pc, says America

08:26 by Editor · 0 Post a comment on AAWR

US President Barack Obama called protecting Israel's security a "top priority" when welcoming Israel's President Shimon Peres to the White House on Tuesday.

Later, a delighted Peres said: "There is no space between us and the United States."

But in a sign of the differences between the views of the two new governments, in an earlier meeting with Vice-President Joseph Biden, Peres said ending natural growth in settlements was a non-starter.

"Israel cannot instruct settlers in existing settlements not to have children or get married," Peres added.

Biden had told the American Israel Public Affairs Committee earlier in the day that settlement expansion must stop and called on Palestinians and the Arab world to make "meaningful gestures" to advance peace.

” President Barack Obama called protecting Israel's security a "top priority"….”

Peres also rejected the idea of "linkage" between the Palestinian and Iranian issues - two topics the US administration has frequently mentioned together.

Before his meeting with Obama, Peres said Israel had not demanded that the US set a time limit on its negotiations with Iran.

"Israel doesn't give the US an ultimatum," he said after meeting Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

He added that the US and Israel were "100 per cent" on the same page when it came to Iran but that the issue of a time frame was misleading.

He explained that it was impossible to "set a clock" because events were "fluid and volatile" and would dictate the pace.

But earlier, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman reportedly declared that action would need to be taken if three months of diplomacy elapsed with no results. continues here

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