Stop begging and state your position

22:50 by Editor · 3 Post a comment on AAWR

You know I lament nationalisms fate, its fate of course is ours, the two inextricably linked, for some time now the direction nationalism has taken has been flawed, wrong, misguided and indeed directed. Instead of contesting all issues it has chosen some, instead of resilience in the face of onslaught it has proven weak, today nationalism has been divided, purposely, in every country around the globe, instead of a force for change we have become a force for nothing, oh not all of us, there is a great body of patriots out there still awaiting the call, a call I am sure that will one day come, it is this body of men and women that trouble the powers that be, this body that present threat ,whilst others bandy the term nationalist.

as nationalists we must work to preserve all peoples, all cultures and indeed all races…

The divide is so deep now within nationalism that I fear it is unfathomable, that reconciliation can and will now, only come through adversary, I pray I am wrong, yet it seems that many organisations that claim nationalism, seek financial gain, rather than bodies on the street it is lucre, this has forced me and others to walk away from certain organisations, certain scenes and become independent. We see pockets lined and little else and this is never truer than with the BNP, perhaps a kindly patriot signed me up, gave my e-mail to an organisation that no longer represents me and so now I receive, seemingly constantly, e-mails, e-mails that in the main appeal for money.

The constant appeal for money irritated me as a member of this organisation, so it enrages me as an independent, I realise full well that the 4th of June is important and that nationalists of whichever persuasion must support the BNP in its endeavours, we may heartily disagree over direction, we may adhere to true nationalism and they to populism however, they are all we have for now. Currently no other party represents nationalism, the national front have had considerable difficulty and the BPP in many ways seem to ferment, whilst their viewpoint seems ever-changing, one hopes this may change, the BFB seem promising however, their appeal is perhaps more minimal and their strategy to tackle it not forthcoming.

So for now we have no party, there is no organisation that represents true nationalism, yet the 4th of June is important, if for no other reason than to give the people hope, hope in such dire circumstance, sometimes one flag raised upon the field is enough to stir the troops. For all that I cannot abide the BNP’s constant pleading, their ever-open hand, if it is not one thing it is another and it is incessant, over and over and over they beg, akin to an annoying busker that will not let you on your way that, is until you cross their palm.

Once I paid my dues, carried proudly a membership card but no longer, once above and beyond my membership I donated, that is until I awoke, until I realised the futility of it all, the abject failure to address the real issues and the biased behaviours towards some fellow nationalists. I grew tired of the inane speeches the tat sales and general hullabaloo, much noise, little effect, coupled with this I realised that the BNP were on the way to becoming a one issue party, a gain only of the state. By now many readers will know my view of Islam, my reasoning that it is not of itself evil incarnate, that many in lands east, fight foes comparable to our own, they will note my recognition of Jewish power, of the power of money infinite and the hidden power behind the throne.

Yet through all this I hate no people, not for what they are, Jews should they reside east shall receive no ill-will, the same for Muslims and peoples of all kinds, quite simply, I wish Europe to be governed and peopled by Europeans. This however is not the view of this new nationalism, this nationalism now puppeteered, new nationalism holds that it is not racial, that to be predisposed towards your own is an evil, that the primary issue is Islam. This dear reader is so wrong as to be unbelievable, Islam never picked a war with us but we with it, we marched troops onto their soil, killed men, women and children, supported a terrible state and set in motion their armies march.

Yet many within the BNP know this, they have knowledge of reality, yet they challenge easy target, seeking power for powers sake, some state openly that upon reaching power things will change, that real policy shall show, they believe quite strangely that the electorate and indeed the wider world community, will stand for such shenanigans. Others are nothing but neo-conservatives, what we here call Tories, individuals that are stirred by the flag, by pomp and ceremony, basing their ideology upon false emotion rather than pressing reality, these individuals throughout our nation’s history have sold us down the river.

Imagine if you will the scenario, that Islam has gone, retreated back to the east, is that it then, are we then free, or will our lands still darken and hidden hands still exert influence, freedom is autonomy, genetic preservation and conservation of our unique civilisation. It is not an attack upon the religious practices of the alien, not an attack upon other cultures, merely the preservation of our own, moreover, as nationalists we must work to preserve all peoples, all cultures and indeed all races. This is what nationalism is, what it means, nationalism works best because it inhibits hatred, lessens resentment and adheres to natural design, quite simply Islam belongs in the east, if they wish to apply Sharia then who are we to interfere and who are they or others to interfere here.

Nationalism holds that nature has given different peoples and cultures specific area, that for instant Africans belong in Africa and Europeans in Europe, it holds that the unique traditions and ideologies of peoples is precious, as is their unique genotype. For this reason, attacking only Islam, instead of all alien immigration or cultural practice is un-nationalist, in some areas this may fall down, such as in countries of the former commonwealth, however, it must be realised that to all intents and purposes these countries have been built by a white hand and what has been done cannot be undone, also for many indigenous peoples within these lands, white practice has advanced their civilisation, if not their individual quality of life.

Moreover, the conquering of such lands was at the behest of the money powers and never of European peoples, we must look to today, combat today’s problems, the most primary of which is intermixture, this presents a threat to all races and all cultures, however, given the minute size of the white community it presents as our greatest threat, alongside it must be noted, the Japanese and other such small communities. Yet do we see the BNP addressing this issue, no, we see them running from it and in one really quite lamentable case, using miscegenation as a positive in party literature, further there are non-indigenous peoples within the party and this surely makes any claim to correct nationalism rather bogus.

Still I maintain that we as nationalists must place our support behind them in the forthcoming European elections, not because we agree with their direction but because any advocation of our people’s interests is desirable. Also because many activists and members of the general public who vote BNP, do so from a racial preservationist perspective and we can do naught but support that impulse. That aside the BNP must seriously rethink their current strategy of continual begging, they should but perhaps will not, rethink a number of other areas, such as their racial position, making clear to all, both those on the right and others their standpoint.

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3 Responses to "Stop begging and state your position"
Rayatcov said...
13 April 2009 at 14:29

I also receive emails from the BNP but I don't know if you know but at the bottom of the email is a link to unsubscribe. Or didn't you know that.

Anonymous said...
13 April 2009 at 18:37

i get them to you'd think at the mo we wont we all skint aswell

Editor said...
13 April 2009 at 23:09

Thank you for your comment Ray, yes I did realise there is an “unsubscribe” option however, the point of the post is to draw attention to the constant requests for money, also to make clear AAWR policy with regard to this particular party. Thank you for your time and I hope you'll pop back.

Anonymous I think you make our point….

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