Making the announcement today in a special organiser’s bulletin circulated within the party, national organiser Eddy Butler said that although the proscription had been ordered a while ago, it was being made public today because the controlled media continues to lie about the BNP and the EDL.
“Time and time again the lying media has linked the BNP with the EDL’s activities,” said Mr Butler.
“Most recently the media and the BBC Eastern regional service, in particular, lost no time in blaming the BNP when Muslim rioters attacked police in Luton.
“The BBC coverage of that event specifically said that the BNP had planned to march through Luton, and this was why the Muslims had rioted,” he said.
“This is, of course, an utter lie. The BNP does not march in the streets but rather campaigns in an ordinary democratic fashion in elections, door-to-door canvassing and leafleting,” Mr Butler continued.
“It is completely malicious and unwarranted to blame the supposed activities of organisations such as the EDL on the BNP, when there is no common ground between the two groups at all.”
The EDL has, in fact, gone out of its way to distance itself from the BNP, while the party has no interest in the sort of confrontation in which the EDL seems to seek.
In his official statement, Mr Butler said the proscription of the EDL meant that it “will be a disciplinary offence for British National Party members to associate or participate in any event or activity organised by the English Defence League or hold membership of the English Defence League.
“The reasons for this proscription are that the English Defence League, through its activities, brings nationalist and patriotic politics into disrepute. If the English Defence League is not instigated by and its activities are not encouraged by the state (which it quite possibly is), then the track record of this organisation shows that it is run by people who will only bring discredit and probable arrest for anyone who attends its events. continues here
In my time my politics have been considered somewhat too hard-line for the National Front, my abject refusal to bow to Zion and my recognition that Jewry split brothers under an orange flag. Yet we are now at the eleventh hour, facing calamitous times and it is my belief that it is only the National Front, that offer contestation, of late I have personally noted many nationalists turning to the NF, one hopes that this will continue and we will once again, forge ahead for truth and indeed race and nation. Certainly the British National Party offer little, I believe they have had their time, time spent whittling down nationalism until it is wholly changed, they have believed for some time, in a rather snobbish way, that it is they that are the voice of nationalism, I say it is the people, the activists of that and indeed any party.
Recently the National Front held out the hand of friendship, offering to stand with the British National Party over the Membership issue, I as an independent nationalist disagreed with such an overture, realising that the BNP would see standing with the Front as an injurious act. I believe strongly that the National Front have no need of the BNP, neither its Tory-nationalism nor indeed its constant belittlement, it is I believe time for the National Front to come out of the shadows and reclaim its rightful place and I believe that it may be upon course to do so. Groups such as the EDL and UBA are merely Zionist front-groups, mechanisms to channel justified anger and temper its edge, I believe this to be true of the BNP also, although on a much larger scale, so for true nationalists eyes turn to the re-emerging Front, in the earnest hope that we are not let down again, by another group/organisation.

The National Front
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