15:18 by Editor · 0 Post a comment on AAWR

Tom Whitehead

THE full extent of the damage unlimited immigration is causing to the fabric of society is revealed by a Daily Express investigation today.

Figures show that a foreigner is being arrested every four minutes on the streets of Britain.

Hundreds of migrants and other visitors are held every day as a devastating result of the Government’s open door policy.

In some forces, arrests of foreigners account for one in seven of all those detained. Poles have now become the worst foreign offenders after hundreds of thousands flocked here following Labour’s decision to throw open our jobs market.

Alan Gordon, vice-chairman of the Police Federation, said: “Immigration on the scale we have experienced is putting an intolerable strain on all public sectors, not only policing. We have got to recognise the need for additional resources where there are large congregations of migrant workers.”

The Daily Express investigation presents the most detailed picture yet of the impact immigration is having on crime levels and police resources.

It shows that violence is one of the most common offences committed by migrants, along with theft, fraud, immigration violations and drugs. The revelation comes just a week after three police chiefs warned that the influx of migrant workers has contributed to a crime explosion.

The problem has become so acute that the Home Secretary has called a summit meeting with all 43 chief constables to address the issue.

But rank-and-file police last night blamed the Government for failing to see the problem coming, while opposition MPs stepped up calls for an annual limit on migrants.

Shadow Home Secretary David Davis said: “This clearly demonstrates the impact that Labour’s chaotic immigration policy is having on police resources.

“This is why Labour must adopt our policy of controlling immigration. This means putting transitional arrangements in place for future EU countries and setting an annual limit on non-EU immigration.

“When setting this limit, the Government should take into account the impact of immigration not just on the economy, but on housing and the wider public service infrastructure, including police capability to cope with any population increase.”

Figures from 26 police forces received under the Freedom of Information Act showed that a total of 79,308 foreign nationals were arrested in 2006 – the latest year for which figures are available. They represented seven per cent of the total number of arrests.

If the level of arrests was reflected across the remaining forces which failed to supply information, it would mean more than 131,100 foreigners arrested in one year. That is the equivalent of up to 360 a day, or one every four minutes......Article conts (-)

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