POLICE forces across the country are being told to recruit gypsies in a plan that could put the public in danger, MPs warned last night.
Senior officers are so concerned about hitting the new quotas they have been inviting young travellers to their training colleges. But while gypsy and traveller groups gave a “wholehearted welcome” to the plan, political campaigners last night condemned the scheme as “utter nonsense”.
An idea of the Association of Police Authorities, called Local Employment Targets For Under-Represented Groups, the scheme says police forces have a duty to reflect the communities they serve.
But furious Conservative MP Philip Davies said: “I absolutely despair, this is utter nonsense.
“It should be irrelevant whether police officers are black, white, gay, straight, muslim or Christian, gypsy or not. The only consideration should be whether they are people who can uphold the law without fear or favour.
“Furthermore, this is potentially dangerous because police forces could end up recruiting people who might not be the best people, just to meet their quota.”
Mr Davies, who represents Shipley in West Yorkshire, added: “The police were branded institutionally racist a few years ago, now they are becoming institutionally politically correct.”
John Midgley, of the Campaign Against Political Correctness, is also astounded by the gypsies plan, dubbed “lucky heather and handcuffs” by critics.
“It is absolutely astounding that police authorities should get involved in political correctness to this degree,” he said.
“What we want is the best possible policemen, not policemen appointed by a tick-box culture.
“How ridiculous it is for them to suggest that the police force needs to be representative of the society in which we live.
“On that basis, ultimately they would want to employ criminals as police officers as a proportion of society is made up of criminals.”
Mark Wallace, campaign director of the TaxPayers’ Alliance, said: “People want their police to be picked because they are the best for the job, not because of their ethnicity or background.
“Victims of crime just want the criminal caught, they don’t care what ethnic group the officer comes from.”
The Police Federation, which represents 124,000 rank-and-file officers across England and Wales up to the rank of Chief Inspector, says it is concerned that recruitment standards are not lowered to make sure each force gets enough gypsies pounding the beat.
Vice-chairman Simon Reed said:
Senior officers are so concerned about hitting the new quotas they have been inviting young travellers to their training colleges. But while gypsy and traveller groups gave a “wholehearted welcome” to the plan, political campaigners last night condemned the scheme as “utter nonsense”.
An idea of the Association of Police Authorities, called Local Employment Targets For Under-Represented Groups, the scheme says police forces have a duty to reflect the communities they serve.
But furious Conservative MP Philip Davies said: “I absolutely despair, this is utter nonsense.
“It should be irrelevant whether police officers are black, white, gay, straight, muslim or Christian, gypsy or not. The only consideration should be whether they are people who can uphold the law without fear or favour.
“Furthermore, this is potentially dangerous because police forces could end up recruiting people who might not be the best people, just to meet their quota.”
Mr Davies, who represents Shipley in West Yorkshire, added: “The police were branded institutionally racist a few years ago, now they are becoming institutionally politically correct.”
John Midgley, of the Campaign Against Political Correctness, is also astounded by the gypsies plan, dubbed “lucky heather and handcuffs” by critics.
“It is absolutely astounding that police authorities should get involved in political correctness to this degree,” he said.
“What we want is the best possible policemen, not policemen appointed by a tick-box culture.
“How ridiculous it is for them to suggest that the police force needs to be representative of the society in which we live.
“On that basis, ultimately they would want to employ criminals as police officers as a proportion of society is made up of criminals.”
Mark Wallace, campaign director of the TaxPayers’ Alliance, said: “People want their police to be picked because they are the best for the job, not because of their ethnicity or background.
“Victims of crime just want the criminal caught, they don’t care what ethnic group the officer comes from.”
The Police Federation, which represents 124,000 rank-and-file officers across England and Wales up to the rank of Chief Inspector, says it is concerned that recruitment standards are not lowered to make sure each force gets enough gypsies pounding the beat.
Vice-chairman Simon Reed said:
“If targets are set this must be for the right reason, not just lip-service and there must certainly be no lowering of standards by forces in order to meet them.”
However, Emma Nuttall, a spokeswoman for Friends, Families And Travellers continues here
It all seems just a tad late to me, a little late given the horse has already bolted, and as for lowering standards in order to meet targets well…
Our police force or what now passes for it has become merely a quasi-militia, an instrument of tyranny, to complain now of “institutional political correctness” for that state was reached some time ago and you all said nothing, merely allowed leftists the field and dam the wishes of the people. Blacks achieved a considerable amount by rioting if I remember, whereas non-rioting whites were pilloried, it would seem to me that whites suffer in all ways due to their lack of a voice ,be that voice political or indeed rather more militant. Mr and Mrs Average quite simply wish to live in peace, amongst their own with their own culture, whereas there are those that enforce and enforce again an unworkable agenda, why even amongst non-whites tensions exist yet we have a drive to inflict such stupidity upon the police force, I’m afraid that at one time the people respected the police however times they are a changing.
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