While the saga unfolds, it is worth taking a moment to look at the reasons behind the actions of Western governments in all of this. The strangely un-named Western official mentioned above is reported by the Telegraph as saying that 'Europe has stood up and been counted' in backing Kosovan 'independence, and as far as that goes he's absolutely right. When diplomats like that talk about 'Europe', the last thing on their minds is the real Europe of historical and cultural and ethnic history. What they mean is the EU (sometimes jokingly and more accurately described as the EUSSR) and that has certainly been counted, it has been measured and found wanting time and again. Yet still it goes on, an empty, meaningless and soul-less entity with no real tangible goal other than to dissolve nationalities, peoples, histories, and everything that makes European identities real. What we are seeing in the actions of the EU (and the US, sadly) is nothing else than a continuation of an ongoing international effort to abolish nationhood, race, and natural identity itself.
A commenter at View From the Right illustrates this principle very well by pulling out an excerpt of a congratulatory letter sent by US president George W Bush to the 'president' of 'Kosovo' :
"In your request to establish diplomatic relations with the United States, you expressed Kosovo's desire to attain the highest standards of democracy and freedom," Bush wrote. "I fully welcome this sentiment. In particular, I support your embrace of multi-ethnicity as a principle of good governance and your commitment to developing accountable institutions in which all citizens are equal under the law." [emphasis added by commenter]"Kosovan demographics are about 95% Albanian, with a surviving 5% Serbian. The 'multi' in this equation is horribly one-sided. British readers may remember the remarks made by Greg Dyke on becoming director of the BBC that the BBC was 'hideously white'. It appears that Mr Bush has been taking notes from Mr Dyke and is now rejoicing that Kosovo is no longer 'hideously Serb'. The base line in all 'diversity' and 'multi-' talk, whether the talk is of multiculturalism or multiethnicism, is always that the greater the dilution of the indigenous population, the closer to the extermination of the homeland and the people thereof, the better. The Serbs, having had to face the sharp end of this truth unmasked, are simply faster to realise this than many of us in the anaesthetised West, with the result that as well as protesting and planning rallies against this genocidal plan, some Serbs are taking matters literally into their own hands.
The Brussels Journal explains the matter well when it says:
"[After the Kosovo civil war of the 1990s, t]he Western leaders aimed for the establishment of a multicultural (Christian and Muslim), multi-ethnic (Albanian and Serb) artificial state of Kosovo – a “Kosovar nation” not based on a genuine nation, but on the idealist, postmodern utopias of Western liberalism. They wanted to create another Belgium, a state without national loyalty, without an identity, without a sense of nationhood. The postmodernists reckon that if people have no identity they will stop fighting each other, because there is no flag worth dying for. In order to achieve this chimera, the American and EU armies allied themselves in the Kosovo civil war with the Kosovo Liberation Army, an Albanian Muslim militia trained by al-Qa’eda.The Brussels Journal mistakes Mr Bush's comments for an inability to understand that there is no Kosovan nation. I think the inability lies with the Brussels Journal, in an inability to accept that Mr Bush knows damn well there is no such thing as a Kosovar nation (one doesn't become the absolute leader of the most powerful nation on earth by being a complete dunce), but he does not care. Why should he? The governments of the world are moving away from all the old tried and true models of governance and care for the populace towards a New World Order model where the people are answerable to the government (not the government to the people) and the State defines the Nation rather than the Nation defining the State. The old models arose in a bottom-upwards way from a racial and ethnic group organising itself for its benefit and health, looking for and trying methods to improve its lot in a way that benefitted its members, but the new models are imposed arbitrarily in a top-down way that benefits nobody but the social engineers at the top. The controlling interests, the people pulling the strings, are the ones behind this and benefitting from it, and this plan of genocidal destruction of national and ethnic integrity is shown at its most explicit and educational in today's Kosovan situation. More recent events, especially condemnation from international forces such as the UN and EU of Serbs' protests in Belgrade and Serbs' attacks on embassies of the powers who would so butcher their nation, only serve to highlight this truth.It is no wonder that Belgium, this multinational artificial bogus state that serves as the EU’s model in its attempts to transform the whole of Europe into a multicultural, multinational superstate, was one of the very first to recognize the independence of Kosovo. So did the governing elites of France and Germany, the cheerleaders of the EU project, and the liberal elites that rule Britain and America and that do not believe in national identities either."
In the absence of a way to make a concrete difference to help our Serbian friends, we in the West and the rest of the world have the responsibility to at least learn from their misfortunes. Western nations, Christian nations, White nations, these are all on the international social engineer hitlist, and are all under assault to different degrees and in different ways. It is simply the case that in the Serbian Kosovo situation this is easiest to see. What the West, and all white Christian nations must learn from Serbia's troubles is that our culture, our people, our homelands and our futures are all under severe threat, and that if the rot and infection of this genocide are resisted, the 'proper authorities' will come down on the resistance hard and fast. We must make arrangements for the resistance in our own places, in whatever ways and levels we can. Those are the lessons we outside Serbia must learn from Kosovo. For the Serbs themselves, AAWR can only offer the immortal words of British seaside legend Mr Punch:
"That's the way to do it!"
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1 Responses to "The Lessons Kosovo Teaches"26 February 2008 at 14:58
Next on the list: an independent homeland for the Kurds!
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