Any group offering a service to the public, including hospitals, charities, businesses and prisons, would be at risk.
Legislation may also allow Christians to bring an action against a hotel if it displayed something they deemed offensive - such as a poster for the 1979 Monty Python film The Life Of Brian.
There are already laws banning harassment in the workplace, but the new Brussels regulations are designed to offer people protection from providers of goods and services.
However, they are so broad that critics say they could lead to a spate of civil cases by anyone claiming their dignity has been violated by the 'hostile environment' of an organisation.
The Church of England says hospices or charities for the homeless could face legal action if people using their services felt degraded by their religious practices or symbols, such as the cross.
The Archbishops' Council even fears that charities could be challenged by atheists if grace is said before meals.
The Law Society says religious believers may also be able to launch a civil action for harassment.
In an official submission to the EU, the society said: 'For instance, in a shop or shared lodging house, there may be a notice board on which is posted material that some of those who see it will find offensive on religious grounds (for instance, a poster for a film, such as The Life Of Brian).'
The proposals, which go before EU governments for approval later this year, are part of a new directive outlawing discrimination by businesses on the grounds of sexual orientation, age, disability or belief.
If approved, it will become the latest in a swathe of European-inspired equality laws which critics say stifle freedom of speech and marginalise religion.
The Government tried to introduce a similar law in 2005 but dropped it after a resounding rejection by the House of Lords.
Peers feared it would encourage politically correct officials to stop public expressions of religion, such as carol services or Bibles by hospital bedsides. continues here
It beggars belief doesn’t it, that we bow to the European Union, this malevolent entity, created so they said, to facilitate a free market, to enable the free movement of goods between member nations, what a lie, what a deception. Instead it represents growing tyranny, growing authoritarianism and the people have not a clue, religion has let us down, a strength to us once it is now merely a hindrance, it no longer looks after the nations moral welfare, instead it is a think-tank for liberalism, permitting the rapid change we have suffered and ironically its own decline.
Yet for all that religion has its place, it has many millions of adherents globally, many here at home, it is of small wonder though, that the greatest growth is overseas, primarily in non-white countries, it is to this market that the church now panders. It realises that the age of the white man is at a close and they now look to a non-white world, so I can have little sympathy for their plight, knowing full well that they undermined their own institution and still do. Yet it is for the individual I have concern, those individuals that still adhere to their faith, a faith that in many ways has more in common with nationalist thought than the poison of leftism, it is also of note, that there are those who have sought the end of the cross as a symbol for some centuries now.
Perhaps this relentless attack upon Christians is in reality an attack upon the last whites who follow their faith to the letter, certainly religious belief amongst nationalists is in decline, as they realise that the church has, to coin a phrase, sold them out, paganism is on the ascend primarily due to this feeling but also due to a growing need for identity, a natural reaction by a group or groups under attack. Identity becomes ever-precious whilst residing amongst so many other elements, it grows rather than lessens, this in turn leads to extreme friction and then inevitable state control. The only solution is nature, to again adhere to her grand design, non-whites in their natural locale and whites also, Islam is a product of the east along with Judaism, as was Christianity at one time, however, Christianity adopted many of our ancient rites and customs and could now rightly be said to be European, the same cannot be said for the aforementioned belief systems. So it is still in our interests to defend Christianity, to grab it back from the left and make it again a force for good amongst our people and indeed the world. 14
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