08:27 by Editor · 0 Post a comment on AAWR

THE English Defence League stepped forward yesterday in a show of strength against critics.

The Daily Star obtained these pictures of the group which claims to defend British values against Muslim extremists.

Around 20 men posed in uniforms, but kept their faces hidden under balaclavas for fear of reprisals.

The group, which included several black members, burned a swastika flag to give an apparent message that they oppose Nazis and racists as much as al-Qaida hate-mongers.

The masked men evoked memories of past pictures of paramilitary groups in Northern Ireland.

The EDL formed in response to Muslim protesters who taunted and abused British soldiers at a homecoming parade in Luton in March.

Its demos saw violent clashes in the Bedfordshire town and Birmingham – with more protests planned.

After opponents, including Communities Minister John Denham, branded them far-right they have produced this flag-burning film to deny the claims.

An EDL spokesman said: “We are not racist. We’ve made this film with our black members, and we also welcome any moderate Muslims.

“Our message is also for the BNP, because a few right-wing extremists have unfortunately tried tagging on to us when they weren’t welcome.

“If we see them and they give Nazi salutes we will kick them out in no uncertain terms.

“Unfortunately we have to cover our faces because we are labelled as something
which we are not.

“We all live in Muslim neighbourhoods where our faces would be recognised.

“We agree there’s no place for extremism or racism, yet this Government lets extremists like Anjem Choudary freely stir people up with inflammatory outbursts.

“We want to show the likes of Choudary their days are numbered. Why don’t those attacking us join us in demanding Muslim extremists are kicked out?”

The EDL plans to post its five- minute video on YouTube on Friday. continues here

EDITOR'S Comment: “If we see them and they give Nazi salutes we will kick them out in no uncertain terms." Sounds like a threat to me, don't bite off more than you can chew lads...

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