Gripping his intended victim so she has no chance of escape, a would-be rapist forces the woman off the street with terrifying strength.
The 18-year-old had been out with friends when she was seized by the powerfully built man and dragged along 'like an animal'.
She was pulled into a side street and forced to the ground - but thankfully a passer-by heard her cries and came to the rescue.
Her attacker, schizophrenic Samson Bello, 23, committed two other sex attacks on women within hours of this.

The Nigerian-born predator, who came to Britain ten years ago, was sentenced this week at Southwark Crown Court in London. He will be detained indefinitely under the Mental Health Act.
He pleaded guilty to four charges - three attempted rapes and one count of kidnapping with intent to commit a sexual offence.
The harrowing images of the attack, which took place near King's Cross in Central London, were released yesterday as it emerged that detectives tracked Bello to his home using CCTV.
Yard chiefs say the case proves the value of surveillance cameras.
The court heard Bello pounced on his first victim on March 29 and attacked another three - including this woman - two days later.
He lurked in darkened alleys waiting for them to approach.

Bello, who has a history of mental illness, launched his first attack on a 16-year-old girl in Marylebone High Street at 3.30am on March 29.
The victim said she was grabbed by Bello who told her: 'Come with me. If you scream then I’ll hurt you.'
She was pulled into an alleyway and assaulted before a passer-by intervened. Two days later Bello went on the rampage attacking three women in three hours.
A 24-year-old woman was attacked in the Prince of Wales Passage off Hampstead Road at 12.30am.
The Spanish woman fought back and the attack was interrupted by a passer-by.

As they walked past, he grabbed them, dragged them into the shadows, threw them to the ground and did his best to tear off their clothes.
Their screams and the intervention of passers-by forced him to flee on three occasions, while the last victim he attacked put up such a determined fight he gave up.
Apart from severe psychological trauma, all escaped with bruises and abrasions.
Police examined hours of CCTV street and bus footage and eventually tracked the defendant to Hackney, East London, where he lived.
They then 'flooded' the area with officers and days later spotted him yards from his home.
Unemployed Bello pleaded guilty to attempting to rape a 16-year-old girl as well as carbon copy offences against a 24-year- old Spanish tourist and the 18-year-old student in Islington two days later.
He also pleaded guilty to kidnapping another student, 20, 'with intent to commit a serious sexual offence'. continues here
The 18-year-old had been out with friends when she was seized by the powerfully built man and dragged along 'like an animal'.
She was pulled into a side street and forced to the ground - but thankfully a passer-by heard her cries and came to the rescue.
Her attacker, schizophrenic Samson Bello, 23, committed two other sex attacks on women within hours of this.

The Nigerian-born predator, who came to Britain ten years ago, was sentenced this week at Southwark Crown Court in London. He will be detained indefinitely under the Mental Health Act.
He pleaded guilty to four charges - three attempted rapes and one count of kidnapping with intent to commit a sexual offence.
The harrowing images of the attack, which took place near King's Cross in Central London, were released yesterday as it emerged that detectives tracked Bello to his home using CCTV.
Yard chiefs say the case proves the value of surveillance cameras.
The court heard Bello pounced on his first victim on March 29 and attacked another three - including this woman - two days later.
He lurked in darkened alleys waiting for them to approach.

Bello, who has a history of mental illness, launched his first attack on a 16-year-old girl in Marylebone High Street at 3.30am on March 29.
The victim said she was grabbed by Bello who told her: 'Come with me. If you scream then I’ll hurt you.'
She was pulled into an alleyway and assaulted before a passer-by intervened. Two days later Bello went on the rampage attacking three women in three hours.
A 24-year-old woman was attacked in the Prince of Wales Passage off Hampstead Road at 12.30am.
The Spanish woman fought back and the attack was interrupted by a passer-by.

As they walked past, he grabbed them, dragged them into the shadows, threw them to the ground and did his best to tear off their clothes.
Their screams and the intervention of passers-by forced him to flee on three occasions, while the last victim he attacked put up such a determined fight he gave up.
Apart from severe psychological trauma, all escaped with bruises and abrasions.
Police examined hours of CCTV street and bus footage and eventually tracked the defendant to Hackney, East London, where he lived.
They then 'flooded' the area with officers and days later spotted him yards from his home.
Unemployed Bello pleaded guilty to attempting to rape a 16-year-old girl as well as carbon copy offences against a 24-year- old Spanish tourist and the 18-year-old student in Islington two days later.
He also pleaded guilty to kidnapping another student, 20, 'with intent to commit a serious sexual offence'. continues here
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2 Responses to "Pictured: The terrifying moment when a would-be rapist dragged his victim off the street"29 July 2010 at 08:21
This is a racist and hate-based website. Do you, reader, want to surround yourself with such FEAR and HATRED for "non whites"? (thats a pretty large group of people to hate, don't you think? plus, America never belonged to whites in the first place).
I stumbled upon this by accident and I am sad to know that this public campaign of hatred and racism is even legal, let alone supported by anyone in their right mind. Reading this material is sickening to your mind, do not fall into darkness.
31 August 2010 at 11:33
Thanks for your reply, racist is a term created by the far-left to stifle debate, to define perfectly natural pro-group instinct as an evil, if I were racist then I would hate non-whites wherever they reside and that would be wrong .This site is not racist in such a sense, AAWR merely opposes the slow and steady destruction of white homelands, for it is not the dark continent that suffers such a fate but Europe and other majority white countries. How can it ever be right to pan the expansionism of the past, yet advocate it today for non-whites, have we not the right to live as we always have, free within our own countries and happier for it, if there is hatred sir then I believe it is found not upon AAWR but upon the street, the self-same street where the relatively new coloniser Mr Bello endeavoured to attack and rape the innocent ,I see no condemnation of that merely an attack upon this site, yet is that not the way of things, those of similar group defending the indefensible.
Look hard Sir, for I believe you to be male, what colour are you, are you Caucasian or as I believe. non-white, then determine if you speak truth or indeed merely support your group. There is nothing hateful in the above article, merely the innate truth that predators have been let into this country creating in the process many victims, AAWR supports those victims and will forever do so, further if you can disprove that Negroes do not have a much higher incidence of schizophrenia and similar mental illness, then I will amend the article, thank you for your time.
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