Well what ado, what a free-for-all as malevolence spills over, job losses, a suspicious firebombing and threats to kill, for many in the BNP, including the leadership this is excellent publicity, never mind the fear this whole affair may have caused. We have interactive maps, calls by the NASUWT to ban BNP sympathisers or members from the teaching profession or indeed public services, further we have supposed journalists literally braying with glee, some such as Pete Marshall appear to be using the situation to appear quite the martyr, whilst others such as Brian Reade, in a carefully worded sarcastic diatribe, appear to be inciting violence against members.
Others such as Nicholas Blincoe appear to be suggesting, exactly the same type of apartheid behaviours they fought against back in their lefty pasts, perhaps Mr Blincoe should stick to novel writing or releasing one off hip-hop records, it all shows the left for exactly what they are, intellectual bigots, backed up by the threat of violent thuggery. Of course it is not they that will bloody their hands, not in the physical sense at least, no it is that vast army trained to hate that they expect to do the work, oh and what an army it is, non-whites ripped by dint of circumstance from their natural milieu, set then in an alien land, taught by leftist educators, that the west and the white is evil and has been some centuries past, is it any wonder they seethe.
Then we have whites trained to, to hate, believing themselves class warriors, fighters for justice they don the uniform of the left, setting it off with the traditional scarf to hide their features, “and it is we who are embarrassed, afraid, I think not. Mixed in amongst this of course, we have those that truly believe in it, those skulking individuals I term the choirmasters, it is they that galvanise malevolence to sing. These individuals know the truth, they know that nationalism is not an evil, not the demon it is made out to be, yet these reprehensible individuals seek only the end of the west, the end of our system and its replacement with tyranny.
It makes me laugh you know, the many times I have come up against the left, watched as the choir are led, angry scowls, eyes filled with rage, an arrow of directed hate launched in our direction, yet for all that, should this rabble win for the choirmasters, then anger would be replaced by sorrow, eyes would brim with regret, as they become only workers for the state, no religion, no freedom of association, no attaining of a dream, all must be equal or be forced to be. In there to, Muslims, their lands ravaged, foreign armies laying siege, yet some on the purported right stir up this rage, playing a dangerous game with the wellbeing of us all, Islam itself knows not where to strike, finally resting its gaze upon the people.
Do you think we would have that, attack us and we remain quiet, unconcerned, yet they to, cannot open their eyes and see truth, should rightists lose the west then to, the east is lost, yet all are blind, all are directed by choirmasters. Still Islam in a rage attacks the wrong target and we the people stir, now Islam is hated, far and wide, perhaps never again merely a religion, within our lands, white lands, Islam is an oddity it has no place in our old mill towns, in the heart of our industrial landscapes, it belongs in truth in the east, yet for saying this, believing this, I and others are haters, bigots, targets on a list.
And then the Jews, do I hear it, the intake of breathe, an eerie silence descended, am I mad or have the birds stopped singing, do animals pause mid-action, indeed has the earth but momentarily stopped turning. Many choirmasters are Jews, many upon the left Judaic, rightly or wrongly they see patriotism as an anathema, perhaps because they have had no country for so long, in any event it matters not, what matters is that this “community” work feverishly against the patriotic right. If I am wrong, look to the organisations that oppose us, there are no Bin Laden’s and very few Muhammad’s at the top of the chain, though still plenty of Semitics, they to, perhaps more than others will look to this list.
They to are wrong, perhaps I should set the record straight, tell nationalisms true story, declare our true intent, nationalism hates nobody, it seeks not to murder, enslave or dominate but only a return of all lands to their people. Is that desire so wrong is it the evil; they would have it, do all those upon the list deserve retaliation, because that is their desire, their dream and their inspiration. What if Mr Gold could live unmolested in freedom, surrounded by his own culture and people, in his own land, what if Mr Singh, Mr Muhammed, Mr Patel, Mr Wang, Mr Abdikarím and finally Mr Smith, would that be so wrong.
It seems as if every individual of other races is a freedom fighter, should they oppose foreign rule or colonisation, except whites, who are deemed haters, haters for wishing to live, to exist, to thrive and to grow, surely that is not the definition of hate. Is hate not the scanning of a list for retaliatory purposes, the raping and prostitution of white schoolgirls because of who they are, the banning of individuals from certain jobs because of political beliefs, in this the home of democracy, democracy a fictitious concept at best. Is hate not the many dead from this deplorable experiment, children denied the right of life, is hatred not the wilful destruction of a population and its genetic uniqueness, is hatred not the crushing of the popular will, subjugating it for a minority dream.
I hear that polar-bears face extinction, although the debate is ongoing, certainly red squirrels faced threat, both from the squirrelpox virus and over population, by the more aggressive and faster breeding grey squirrel, I never once heard conservationists branded grey squirrel hater’s, for taking action to preserve the red squirrel and prevent its delcine. Yet thousands of people on a list, that wish to preserve the habitat and genotype of the Caucasoid natives of these isles, are considered thus, the hypocrisy is mind-numbing, they tell the masses that nationalism equates to a loss of freedoms, whilst our freedoms are evermore eroded, they tell us that nationalists are the heirs of a murderous ideology, yet leftists killed some two hundred millions and we vote them into office.
They tell us that we are all equal, whilst they change history, shout down academics and create disharmony, they tell us that some elements within nationalism, run a website listing leftist individuals and how wrong it is, individuals relate sorry tales of harassment and phone calls, after alleged exposure, yet the mainstream press have highlighted the list of BNP members in a frenzy of glee, no individuals named upon the Redwatch website have lost their livelihoods, there are no police forces scouring the list looking for names. There are no calls for individuals on the extreme left to be prevented from certain jobs, even though they too may discriminate in favour of others, more sorted to their particular political ideology.
There are no maps promoted online, for all and sundry to look up their local far-left activist, there are no calls to bar the left in any sphere, only those of the right and they have the nerve to call us authoritarian, despotic. You see none of them cared, not a single one, oh they all cry for Africa, they all advocate for immigration, most will admit some sympathy for environmental issues but none care for us. We have a government minister, the home secretary no less, one Jacqui Smith., who rather than preventing crime as is her remit, merely responds to the situation with,” It probably says something about the BNP that people don’t want to have it known that they are a member.” No home secretary, what it says about the BNP, is that members are in fear for their jobs and the safety of their families, what it also says is that you do not and have not done your job.
Do you not care that this leak contravenes the data protection act, the human rights act and may give rise to violent attack, upon individuals or property, or are you in fact more concerned with ushering in a police state, whereby we the people are scared to voice our opinions, where everything we say, do and believe is recorded, a place where the light of freedom fails to shine, a place in fact of the left. Are we not already there, or at least upon its periphery, are we not already scared to think, scared to voice and therefore scared to act.
You see that is it, that in essence is the left, they close down, oh for humanitarian reasons, every avenue of free speech, they destroy every other bond an individual may have, family, faith, people, finally when all is broken, when chaos swirls and terror reigns, they rush in and create a new order, a new state, to protect us (sic), to cosset us. The people welcome them; they rush in a euphoric state of stupidly, straight into the arms of death, the smiling face of doom, then it is too late of course, the gulags await, all carry cards and all must work for no personal betterment.
I am not surprised of course, at the reaction to the leak of this list, I know the left, I know what they are capable of, what they represent and their real motivation, they cry freedom only until they deny it. Few will read this of course, no matter, my ramblings remain unnoticed, yet I cannot believe, cannot believe that a people such as we, permit this, we that had a voice that shook the world ,the descendents of the greatest empire the world has ever seen, yet we stand mute, a testament to our own demise.
As a child I heard of course of Russia, that colossal nation ruled in an alien way, it was said that all lived in poverty, that all worked as slaves, that the people were peasants controlled by fear, dissent was brutally punished and death a frequent visitor. Dissidents were debarred from public life and neighbour spied upon neighbour, all then afraid to speak, everywhere the watchful eyes of the state, I marvelled then, even as a child, at how they could let it happen, how they could let evil reign.
Never us I thought, in my naivety, never we, we are of different stock, the lion will never submit, how wrong I was, how foolish, today the state openly declare their plans for mass surveillance and the people barely stir, today individuals are barred from certain jobs due to political allegiance and not a murmur, today thousands have their names upon a list thrown now to any fate and not a ripple breaks the surface, all is quiet, all is calm, it is though isn’t it before a storm.
When the storm breaks, when playtime is over, when you realise that you reside in prison, who then to run to, who will save you and moreover your children, do you want it, their world, all the same, no difference, mono-nothingness and forced equality. Do you not ache for something else, for reason, for worth, or will you wallow in a pit of your own making, when they dress us both in orange and set us both to work, at least I tried, at least I resisted, you helped, you put us there, you destroyed the world. Yet it is easier now, yes they have thrown out their net of cameras, they monitor all we say, already all we do but we have chance, not much, shiny water-cannons await our last charge, our charge of the light brigade, a European police force readies itself to impose the will of evil, already they train rapid reaction squads, is that the future we want.
Freedom is what you make of it, I am a nationalist, that most hated of breeds, yet all I want is freedom, the freedom of nationhood, of autonomy, you can’t bully it out of me, threaten me, harass me or scare me, I only wish you could it would be easier. I have a right to exist and I will fight for it, moreover my children have that right and I will fight harder, so list be dammed. 14
Others such as Nicholas Blincoe appear to be suggesting, exactly the same type of apartheid behaviours they fought against back in their lefty pasts, perhaps Mr Blincoe should stick to novel writing or releasing one off hip-hop records, it all shows the left for exactly what they are, intellectual bigots, backed up by the threat of violent thuggery. Of course it is not they that will bloody their hands, not in the physical sense at least, no it is that vast army trained to hate that they expect to do the work, oh and what an army it is, non-whites ripped by dint of circumstance from their natural milieu, set then in an alien land, taught by leftist educators, that the west and the white is evil and has been some centuries past, is it any wonder they seethe.
Then we have whites trained to, to hate, believing themselves class warriors, fighters for justice they don the uniform of the left, setting it off with the traditional scarf to hide their features, “and it is we who are embarrassed, afraid, I think not. Mixed in amongst this of course, we have those that truly believe in it, those skulking individuals I term the choirmasters, it is they that galvanise malevolence to sing. These individuals know the truth, they know that nationalism is not an evil, not the demon it is made out to be, yet these reprehensible individuals seek only the end of the west, the end of our system and its replacement with tyranny.
It makes me laugh you know, the many times I have come up against the left, watched as the choir are led, angry scowls, eyes filled with rage, an arrow of directed hate launched in our direction, yet for all that, should this rabble win for the choirmasters, then anger would be replaced by sorrow, eyes would brim with regret, as they become only workers for the state, no religion, no freedom of association, no attaining of a dream, all must be equal or be forced to be. In there to, Muslims, their lands ravaged, foreign armies laying siege, yet some on the purported right stir up this rage, playing a dangerous game with the wellbeing of us all, Islam itself knows not where to strike, finally resting its gaze upon the people.
Do you think we would have that, attack us and we remain quiet, unconcerned, yet they to, cannot open their eyes and see truth, should rightists lose the west then to, the east is lost, yet all are blind, all are directed by choirmasters. Still Islam in a rage attacks the wrong target and we the people stir, now Islam is hated, far and wide, perhaps never again merely a religion, within our lands, white lands, Islam is an oddity it has no place in our old mill towns, in the heart of our industrial landscapes, it belongs in truth in the east, yet for saying this, believing this, I and others are haters, bigots, targets on a list.
And then the Jews, do I hear it, the intake of breathe, an eerie silence descended, am I mad or have the birds stopped singing, do animals pause mid-action, indeed has the earth but momentarily stopped turning. Many choirmasters are Jews, many upon the left Judaic, rightly or wrongly they see patriotism as an anathema, perhaps because they have had no country for so long, in any event it matters not, what matters is that this “community” work feverishly against the patriotic right. If I am wrong, look to the organisations that oppose us, there are no Bin Laden’s and very few Muhammad’s at the top of the chain, though still plenty of Semitics, they to, perhaps more than others will look to this list.
They to are wrong, perhaps I should set the record straight, tell nationalisms true story, declare our true intent, nationalism hates nobody, it seeks not to murder, enslave or dominate but only a return of all lands to their people. Is that desire so wrong is it the evil; they would have it, do all those upon the list deserve retaliation, because that is their desire, their dream and their inspiration. What if Mr Gold could live unmolested in freedom, surrounded by his own culture and people, in his own land, what if Mr Singh, Mr Muhammed, Mr Patel, Mr Wang, Mr Abdikarím and finally Mr Smith, would that be so wrong.
It seems as if every individual of other races is a freedom fighter, should they oppose foreign rule or colonisation, except whites, who are deemed haters, haters for wishing to live, to exist, to thrive and to grow, surely that is not the definition of hate. Is hate not the scanning of a list for retaliatory purposes, the raping and prostitution of white schoolgirls because of who they are, the banning of individuals from certain jobs because of political beliefs, in this the home of democracy, democracy a fictitious concept at best. Is hate not the many dead from this deplorable experiment, children denied the right of life, is hatred not the wilful destruction of a population and its genetic uniqueness, is hatred not the crushing of the popular will, subjugating it for a minority dream.
I hear that polar-bears face extinction, although the debate is ongoing, certainly red squirrels faced threat, both from the squirrelpox virus and over population, by the more aggressive and faster breeding grey squirrel, I never once heard conservationists branded grey squirrel hater’s, for taking action to preserve the red squirrel and prevent its delcine. Yet thousands of people on a list, that wish to preserve the habitat and genotype of the Caucasoid natives of these isles, are considered thus, the hypocrisy is mind-numbing, they tell the masses that nationalism equates to a loss of freedoms, whilst our freedoms are evermore eroded, they tell us that nationalists are the heirs of a murderous ideology, yet leftists killed some two hundred millions and we vote them into office.
They tell us that we are all equal, whilst they change history, shout down academics and create disharmony, they tell us that some elements within nationalism, run a website listing leftist individuals and how wrong it is, individuals relate sorry tales of harassment and phone calls, after alleged exposure, yet the mainstream press have highlighted the list of BNP members in a frenzy of glee, no individuals named upon the Redwatch website have lost their livelihoods, there are no police forces scouring the list looking for names. There are no calls for individuals on the extreme left to be prevented from certain jobs, even though they too may discriminate in favour of others, more sorted to their particular political ideology.
There are no maps promoted online, for all and sundry to look up their local far-left activist, there are no calls to bar the left in any sphere, only those of the right and they have the nerve to call us authoritarian, despotic. You see none of them cared, not a single one, oh they all cry for Africa, they all advocate for immigration, most will admit some sympathy for environmental issues but none care for us. We have a government minister, the home secretary no less, one Jacqui Smith., who rather than preventing crime as is her remit, merely responds to the situation with,” It probably says something about the BNP that people don’t want to have it known that they are a member.” No home secretary, what it says about the BNP, is that members are in fear for their jobs and the safety of their families, what it also says is that you do not and have not done your job.
Do you not care that this leak contravenes the data protection act, the human rights act and may give rise to violent attack, upon individuals or property, or are you in fact more concerned with ushering in a police state, whereby we the people are scared to voice our opinions, where everything we say, do and believe is recorded, a place where the light of freedom fails to shine, a place in fact of the left. Are we not already there, or at least upon its periphery, are we not already scared to think, scared to voice and therefore scared to act.
You see that is it, that in essence is the left, they close down, oh for humanitarian reasons, every avenue of free speech, they destroy every other bond an individual may have, family, faith, people, finally when all is broken, when chaos swirls and terror reigns, they rush in and create a new order, a new state, to protect us (sic), to cosset us. The people welcome them; they rush in a euphoric state of stupidly, straight into the arms of death, the smiling face of doom, then it is too late of course, the gulags await, all carry cards and all must work for no personal betterment.
I am not surprised of course, at the reaction to the leak of this list, I know the left, I know what they are capable of, what they represent and their real motivation, they cry freedom only until they deny it. Few will read this of course, no matter, my ramblings remain unnoticed, yet I cannot believe, cannot believe that a people such as we, permit this, we that had a voice that shook the world ,the descendents of the greatest empire the world has ever seen, yet we stand mute, a testament to our own demise.
As a child I heard of course of Russia, that colossal nation ruled in an alien way, it was said that all lived in poverty, that all worked as slaves, that the people were peasants controlled by fear, dissent was brutally punished and death a frequent visitor. Dissidents were debarred from public life and neighbour spied upon neighbour, all then afraid to speak, everywhere the watchful eyes of the state, I marvelled then, even as a child, at how they could let it happen, how they could let evil reign.
Never us I thought, in my naivety, never we, we are of different stock, the lion will never submit, how wrong I was, how foolish, today the state openly declare their plans for mass surveillance and the people barely stir, today individuals are barred from certain jobs due to political allegiance and not a murmur, today thousands have their names upon a list thrown now to any fate and not a ripple breaks the surface, all is quiet, all is calm, it is though isn’t it before a storm.
When the storm breaks, when playtime is over, when you realise that you reside in prison, who then to run to, who will save you and moreover your children, do you want it, their world, all the same, no difference, mono-nothingness and forced equality. Do you not ache for something else, for reason, for worth, or will you wallow in a pit of your own making, when they dress us both in orange and set us both to work, at least I tried, at least I resisted, you helped, you put us there, you destroyed the world. Yet it is easier now, yes they have thrown out their net of cameras, they monitor all we say, already all we do but we have chance, not much, shiny water-cannons await our last charge, our charge of the light brigade, a European police force readies itself to impose the will of evil, already they train rapid reaction squads, is that the future we want.
Freedom is what you make of it, I am a nationalist, that most hated of breeds, yet all I want is freedom, the freedom of nationhood, of autonomy, you can’t bully it out of me, threaten me, harass me or scare me, I only wish you could it would be easier. I have a right to exist and I will fight for it, moreover my children have that right and I will fight harder, so list be dammed. 14
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